Warner Resound

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Background: Warner Resound was a Christian division of Warner Music Group, focused on distributing Christian music and media, as well as products from other artists like Vigilantes of Love and The Call. The company largely became dormant after Word Entertainment was sold to Warner Music Group.


Logo: On a black background, we see a chrome rectangle outline. There is a box in the middle of the outline, and "WARNER" is cut out in the top of it, with "RESOUND" in white at the bottom of the inner box. Then, the logo flashes as the "O" in "RESOUND" becomes bigger and a chrome exclamation mark-like shape appears on the top of it. Purple ripples then appear behind the center of the logo.

FX/SFX: The flash, the ripples.

Music/Sounds: A short synth note and a whoosh, then a calming 5-note synth theme and a guitar strum.

: Seen on a few VHS releases of Adventures from the Book of Virtues.

Scare Factor: None to minimal.