Warner Bros - Seven Arts

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Warner Bros (1967)Warner Bros.-Seven Arts (1968)
<embed align="bottom" height="203" src="http://widget.wetpaintserv.us/wiki/closinglogos/page/Warner+Bros.+Pictures/widget/unknown/-488458747" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="263"/><embed height="203" src="http://widget.wetpaintserv.us/wiki/closinglogos/page/Warner+Bros.+Pictures/widget/unknown/-1031521552" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="220"/><embed height="350" src="http://widget.wetpaintserv.us/wiki/closinglogos/widget/youtubevideo/8c8aa8211cffabc131bef67d0bcbe09e2b8d2d31" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425"/>

Nicknames: "WB-7", "W7", "The Unwanted Child of Warner Bros."

Logo: Just a superimposed stylized-shield, with a combination of a W and a 7, representing Warner Bros.-Seven Arts. The W7 is
traced on-screen, ala the NBC Snake. Below the shield, "WARNER BROS.-SEVEN ARTS" is seen.

Closing title: After the "The End" and the credits, the words "Distributed by Warner Bros.-Seven Arts" are seen in the screen superimposed in the last scene of the movie or a special BG with the W7 shield bug below.

: The "trace"; sometimes done over the backdrop of a specific movie.

: None, or the opening of the movie.

: Rare; might be seen on Warner Bros. fi
lms of the period, though WB might replace it with a newer logo. The DVD release of Bullitt has the logo intact, however.