Walking Bud Productions

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Logo descriptions by CNViewer2006
Editions by CNViewer2006

Background: This is the production company of Todd Holland, and was founded in 2002.

1st logo
(March 12-December 15, 2004)

Walking Bud Productions (2004)Logo: On a black background, we see an Apple QuickTime window with the video of an off-screen boy playing fetch with his golden retriever called "Bud", at the beach. The words "Walking Bud" appear below the video.

FX/SFX: It's all live-action.

Music/Sounds: Waves crashing, and a young boy's voice saying "Get the ball, Bud!" followed by Bud barking.

Availability: Only seen on the short-lived series Wonderfalls. Some episodes have the Living Dead Guy Productions logo at the end.

Editor's Note: None, it's a funny logo. It might also be a parody of Ubu Productions.

2nd logo
(March 11-August 1, 2010)

Logo: In a cave, we pan over to see crudely drawn figures on a wall, one of which (the one in the center of the screen) is of a man walking his dog on a leash. The dog barks and the words "Walking Bud" in italicized letters and underlined appears at the bottom with the acronym "TLH" below in small type.

FX/SFX: The rapid camera panning.

Music/Sounds: A film reel rolling, followed by the soundbite of a dog barking (which is recycled from the previous logo).

Availability: Appears on all episodes of the short-lived Sons of Tucson.

Editor's Note: The film reel sound might startle you and the crude drawn figures might unnerve some.