Video Screen Play (Greece)

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Logo: On a black background, two orange film reels zoom in. The orange video camcorder fades in. Three orange lines are seen wiping itselves in, revealing to be a movie camera. The light blue director chair fades in next to the movie camera. Outlines are seen wiping in, looking like an outline flickering. "VIDEO SCREEN PLAY" zoom in by word-by-word.

FX/SFX: The film reels, the video camcorder, the wiping, the director chair, and the words.

Music/Sounds: A flute and a piano with synth drums.

Availability: Rare. Seen on a Greek VHS releases of Qualcosa striscia nel buio, Addio zio Tom and Duri a morire. Also seen on <a href="" target="_self">Enohos</a>.

Editor's Note: None.