Rare Ltd.

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1st Logo

Nickname: "R in the sky"

Logo: On a blue-purple graident background filled with stars, the R is on top and we see RARE and the R glitters brightely.

SFX/Cheesy Factor: The R glittering

Music: Same as the logo played on the Rysher Entertainment logo from 1989-1993, and actually, there are synthesizers playing in the end. Eventually, Zutek Teikai screams and he cuts the RARE logo.

Avability: Seen on reruns of "The Lovitz Teikai Show", NBC's game show "Are You Keenly Observant" and so on, the first films from Rare (actually distributed by 20th Century Fox) and sometimes the 20th Century Fox logo would appear after that.

Scare Factor: None.

2nd Logo

Nicknames: "CGI Rare", "Backoff", "The PG-Rated Logo", "Flashes or Searchlights?"

Logo: Gold bars twist and turn and then zooms out in 3D and reveals the R of the logo, The 3D words RARE come in with the logo and it settles on the bottom. The R of the logo flashes.

A League Of Their Own-A man rakes up the leaves and the R of the logo crashes into the house and dog runs to it, but its owner gets angry and shouts. Then, the R of the logo bounces and settles, followed by a dog barking.
The John Lennon Story-This logo is 1960's oriented.
Bucks-A buck gets slammed into the R of the logo (played for laughs).
American Dragon-Charlie forgot to turn off the light and the Rare logo is shown.

SFX/Cheest Factor: The bars twisting and turning, the logo flashes.

Music: No music, but same as the LIVE HOME VIDEO logo from 1995, and 4 movies you might ever think of having an own theme.

Availiabity: Seen on Rare releases from 1986-1994. The Rare releases were distributed by 20th Century Fox.

Scare Factor: None.

3rd Logo

Note: The word "WARE" has added to the company.

Nickname: "Rare can't get out of that!"

Logo: We see a thick line that reveals a 3D object that shows the R and "RAREWARE" being placed in a blue square with a yellow outline.

SFX/Cheesy Factor: The reveal of the logo.

Music: The same sounds when you turn on GoldenEye on the Nintendo 64.

Availibaty: Very Hard, that logo took up the clamshell and then still was distributed by 20th Century Fox. It seen on the Nintendo 64 games, "Diddy Kong Racing" & "GoldenEye".

Scare Factor: None.

4th Logo
(2003- )

Note: The logo's name is back to normal.

Nicknames: "Rare's Gleaming Sight", "We Know Drama", "As The World Turns", "Rare 2003"

Logo: We see a spotlight dissloving and a flash forms a R and RARE comes out.
The R shines.

SFX/Cheesy Factor: Reveal again (sigh).

Music: No music, but we see a whoosh during a flash forming a R.

Availiabity: 20th Century Fox will be proud to distribute Rare releases in the future.

Scare Factor: Extreme, that logo may be unsettling and even scary to younger kids.