Print Logos - MTV

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1st Logo (prototype)
(May 5, 1980 - 1981)
MTV (1st Print Logo)
Logo: We see the black letters "MTV" with lines connecting each letter together. The line connecting the letters "M" and "T" ends with a white glove-clad hand holding a eighth note symbol. Words underneath read "THE MUSIC CHANNEL" in Eras font, also in black.
2nd Logo
(August 1st, 1981 - February 7th, 2010)
MTV (2nd Print Logo)
Logo: We see a large, black, 3-D, block-like "M" (think of Gill Sans), along with the word "TV" in white overlapping the right of the "M" done in a graffiti-esque style. Below is a caption in Helvetica reading "MUSIC TELEVISION", which is also black.

Trivia: This logo was designed by Pat Gorman, Frank Olinsky, and Patti Rogoff at Manhattan Design, and was sent to the Fred/Alan design agency who works for Warner-Amex Satellite, the owner of MTV at the time.

Variations: The "M", the sides of the "M" and the "TV" text come in differentcolors and variations.
3rd Logo
(February 8th, 2010 - present)
MTV (3rd Print Logo)
Logo: Same as the last logo, except the "MUSIC TELEVISION" byline is removed, and the logo itself is cropped and slightly modified.