Logo-Related Conspiracy Theories

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Note: This page is meant to catalogue some of the most absurd conspiracy theories involving logo's.

Subliminal chemtrails on the M6 logo (France)

M6 and chemtrails
Related to: M6 (France) (logo used from 2007 to 2010).

There are chemtrails visible in the M6 logo, which is surprising considering that everything in the logo is CGI animated. This means that the M6 group is trying to institutionalize us to find the idea of chemtrails normal so that we don't rebel.

Availability: Uncommon, can be found on some conspiracy websites, such as <a class="external" href="http://www.eveil-delaconscience.com/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">eveil-delaconscience.com</a>.

Believability: Not believable. Aside from the fact that the conspiracy of chemtrails itself is one riddled with obvious problems it is also hard to believe that the background-imagery is 3D-rendered. Much more likely is it that the M6 logo is photoshopped into the photographed scenery.