Lifestyle Satellite Jukebox (UK)

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Logo: On a black background, the cursive text "Lifestyle" writes itself in as many shapes and letters fly in from all sides of the screen. Six small lines zoom out and rotate around and a large line comes down from the top of the screen. "SATELLITE" and "JUKEBOX" fly in jumbled up and arrange themselves. A circle slides in from the right side of the screen and rests behind "Lifestyle". 9 squares come in and fly behind "SATELLITE" and "SATELLITE" zoom in and out as 8 of the 9 squares rotate in and out and the line goes behind them. "JUKEBOX" zooms in and out like in 3D and many dots zoom out to the spaces in between the letters of "JUKEBOX".

FX/SFX: The arranging.

Music/Sounds: A disco and hip-hop tune.

Availability: Extinct.

Editor's Note: None.