Kojima Productions (Japan)

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Background: Kojima Productions is a Japanese video game studio founded in 2005 by Hideo Kojima, who created the popular Metal Gear series. It was originally part of Konami, but in 2015, it temporarily disbanded, and it's contract with Konami was terminated. It was revived as an independent studio.

1st Logo

Kojima Productions (Japan) - CLG Wiki

Logo: On a black background, a yellow fox with lightning bolts for feet in a grey circle appears, with the words “KOJIMA PRODUCTIONS” below it. The logo soon fades out.

FX/SFX: The fade-in and fade-out.

Trivia: The emblem is the symbol of FOX, a unit Naked Snake is in in MGS3.

Music/Sounds: None, but in the mission credits in MGSV, the mission credits theme plays.

Availability: Seen on most Kojima Productions games until MGSV.

Editor's Note: None.

2nd Logo

Logo: A blue flashlight pans across moonlike sandy ground. It pans again as a boot steps down and leaves a footprint. We pan up to see a man with a skull face in a suit of armor holding a rod. Something made of blue light zooms past. He adjusts his visor, then strikes the rod into the ground to make a flag with the "Kojima Productions" insignia of a helmet-wearing skull face pop out. A holographic whale leaps out of the river, turning blue as it makes a big splash. We cut to black to see the skull face insignia with "Kojima" beside it; "Productions" soon fades in. We then cut to the url "www.kojimaproductions.jp", which fades out.

FX/SFX: Great CGI animation.

Trivia: The armor suit that the man is wearing is called "Ludens" and it was inspired by medieval knights and exploration suits.

Music/Sounds: The footstep, followed by incoherent radio dialogue and ambient noises that reach a high note as the man strikes the flag into the ground. Splashing when the whale jumps. Creepy screeching noises over the "Kojima Productions" logo and url.

Availability: Debuted on YouTube in 2016. Made its game debut in 2019's Death Stranding, where it appears the first time you boot up the game.

Editor's Note: A favorite among many gamers, due to the surrealness and spectacular animation, though the sounds at the end can get to some.