Gaumont Columbia TriStar Home Video (France)

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Logo description by PAV123


: On a black background, we see a portrait of the Columbia Pictures torch lady spin in from the top left corner of the screen. The TriStar pegasus portrait does the same from the opposing direction. The words "TRISTAR" and "COLUMBIA" slide in from opposing sides of the screen, only to slightly zoom back and position themselves on their proper portrait. Then, a gradient lilac version of the Gaumont daisy zooms out and spins, situating itself on the top of the logo. The Gaumont text fades in while "HOME VIDEO" slides down from the two portraits and zooms back slightly. A box outline fades in, encasing the logo.

FX/SFX: The text/portrait animation. Yet another example of an early CGI logo.

Music/Sounds: Same as the theme for the Gaumont Columbia RCA Video logo.

Availability: Seen on French prints of material from Columbia and TriStar Pictures.