Garuda Film (Indonesia)

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Logo descriptions by CokeFan12 and Sagan Blob

Background: P.T. Garuda Film was an Indonesian film company directed by one of the founders of Goldig Films, Hendrick Gozali.

1st Logo
(Mid 70s-Late 80s)

Logo: On a yellow background, "PT. GARUDA FILM" in left, "MEMPERSEMBAHKAN" (PRESENTS) in right, and the Goldig Films' "filmstrip G" in the center.

FX/SFX: None.

Music/Sounds: Same as the DVS and Goldig Films logos. In its early years, it would use Goldig Film's short version music, while later years will use the long version music (that is carried on with the 2nd Goldig logo).

Availability: Seen on Kupu-Kupu Putih and a bunch of other films of the era.

Editor's Note: None.