Cineplex Entertainment (Canada)

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1st Logo

2nd Logo

3rd Logo

4th Logo

5th Logo

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Nicknames: "Underwater Colosseum"

Logo: We start by seeing a silver-ish background with a light shining on it. It then reveals a stone Colosseum as the camera cuts to another shot of several silver balls rolling around. The Colosseum opens up to reveal a bright white shine, revealing the classic Cineplex Colosseum all turning yellow as the camera cuts to rectangles being inserted to make the logo smooth. A bright flash appears and puts the Colosseum on a white background as the letters for Cineplex appears one by one from left to right. The text "See the big picture" appears below the logo for a few seconds before the logo turns 2-D.

Variants: TBA


Music/Sounds: A slightly sad fanfare, which starts to rise up and and be majestic. Sounds of marbles rolling are heard and clanking sounds are heard when the yellow Colosseum appears. When the Cineplex letters appear, sounds of a film reel starting to project are heard. 4 xylophone notes are heard which appears to be the new Cineplex Jingle.

Availability: Current.

Editor's Note: None