Cheerful Scout

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Background: Cheerful Scout was a DVD manufacturing company.

1st Logo

Logo: On a black background, we see 3 curved lines which are coloured red, green and blue. Underneath that is 2 more curved lines, coloured yellow, but these ones have been flipped around into a different position. To the left of that is the text "Cheerful Scout" in white. To the left of the text is the words "Menu Design", "Encoding" and "Authoring".

Variant: A version exists with "Menu Design" removed.

FX/SFX: None.

Music/Sounds: None.

Availability: Seen on earlier releases from Contender Entertainment Group. The variant appears on the UK DVD of Barbie in the Nutcracker.

Editor's Note: None.

2nd Logo

Logo: On a black background, flashing lines come together to form the same logo as before, but in white. The words "CHEERFUL SCOUT" also in white, with a red line underneath fade in as light shines across them. The words "Encoding", "Authoring" and "Menu Design" fade in, and the lines then shine light before the logo fades out.

FX/SFX: The lines coming together, the light shining and the fading.

Music/Sounds: None.

Availability: Can be found on later releases from Contender Entertainment Group.