Bonton Entertainment (Czech Republic/Slovakia)

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<iframe align="right" frameborder="0" height="219" src="" width="393"></iframe>
Logo: We see, on a white lighting background with a filmstrip-like road, a yellow man running. The camera moves to the filmstrip road, which contain basically the same animation that we saw before, and repeats again until the camera turns to the left. Is revealed, in a black background, that the man is actually running in a blue circle in the word "BONTON". We progresively zoom out (some blue, red and yellow colored searchlight appear) while "F i l m" appear. Eventually we stop and "BONTON ENTERTAINMENT GROUP" in a futuristic font fades and some grey filmstrip are drawn up and down, the searchlight move in a corner and form a flower-like shape with the same colors of the searchlights.

Variant: A widescreen version exist.

FX/SFX: Nice CGI animation.

Music/Sounds: A majestic synth fanfare, which ends in a jazz like theme.

Availability: Rare.

Editor's Note: None.