Barbie Software

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Logo descriptions by iheartparamount
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Editions by iheartparamount


1st Logo
(Late 90's?-2000?)

Barbie Software (1998)Barbie Software (1997, Purple Background)

Logo: TBA

Variant: On some games, the background appears to be purple tonedand it has a TM symbol next to Barbie and Software for Girls. There is also a glow around the disc arch and a shadow behind the Software for Girls text.

FX/SFX: None, it's a still logo

Music/Sounds: None

Availability: May be seen on Barbie games of the time, includingBarbie Riding Club. The variant appears on Adventures with Barbie: Ocean Discovery and presumably other Barbie games.

Editor's Note: TBA

2nd logo

Barbie Software For GirlsLogo: TBA

FX/SFX: None, it's a still logo.

Music/Sounds: None.

Availability: Possibly seen on Barbie games released at the time, Barbie: Beauty Styler and Barbie: Pet Rescueare some games that have this logo.

Editor's Note: TBA

3rd logo

Barbie Software (2001)
Logo: On a pink background, we see the Barbie logo on the top of the word SOFTWARE. On the right of it, we see pixels in a star-like shape.

FX/SFX: None, it's a still logo.

Music/Sounds: Usually none, but on Barbie: Team Gymnastics, we hear Barbie talking about the game over the logo.

Availability: Seen on Barbie games released at the time. Barbie: Explorer,Barbie: Team Gymnastics, Barbie: Beach Vacation, Secret Agent Barbie and Barbie: Sparkling Ice Show are some games that have this logo.

Editor's Note: TBA