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<div class="WPC-editableContent" id="WPC-area?cellId=Stone+%26+Company+Entertainment&amp;version=88&amp;savePath=%2Fpage%2FStone%2B%2526%2BCompany%2BEntertainment&amp;saveType=page"><font size="3"><font><font><i><font color="#ffa500">Logo descriptions by</font> </i></font><font><i><font color="#333333">Silversword55, Shadeed A. Kelly, wolfie14, and BenderRoblox</font><br/><font color="#ffa500">Logo Pictures by</font><font color="#333333"> Eric S, snelfu, and BenderRoblox</font><br/></i><i><font color="#ffa500">Editions by</font><font color="#333333"> Shadeed A. Kelly, WWEISWAR</font></i><i>and, </i></font><font><i>WizardDuck, StephenCezar15, SamAWebster and Unnepad</i></font><font><br/></font><font><i><font color="#ffa500">Video captures courtesy of</font> </i><i>WizardDuck</i><font color="#333333">, </font></font><font><i>BenderRoblox, and Stephen Cezar</i></font></font><br/><font><br/><u>Background</u><font color="#333333">: Stone &amp; Company was formed by Scott A. Stone in 1987 under </font>[[Lorimar-Telepictures]]<font color="#333333">. Stone was Senior Vice-President of first-run syndication for </font>[[Telepictures Productions|Telepictures]]<font color="#333333">/Lorimar-Telepictures, where he supervised such programs like </font><i>Gumby</i><font color="#333333">, </font><i>The People's Court</i><font color="#333333">, </font><i>Thundercats</i><font color="#333333">, and the 1984 version of </font><i>Let's Make A Deal</i><font color="#333333">, among others. In 1991, he joined David G. Stanley and renamed the company as "Stone Stanley Productions". After</font><font color="#ffffff">.</font><i><font color="#333333">Shop 'Til You Drop</font></i><font color="#ffffff">.</font><font>ended in 2005</font><font color="#333333">, David Stanley left the company and Stone renamed the company as "Stone &amp; Company Entertainment".</font><br/></font><br/><font size="4"><br/><font><b>Stone Television</b></font></font><font><br/><br/>1st Logo<br/>(September 5, 1988-May 27, 1989)</font><br/> </font><div align="center"> </div><font size="3"> <br/><u>Nicknames</u>: <font><font>''The Stone Logo'', </font></font><font color="#333333">"The Gray Stone", "The Stone of Extreme Boredom"</font><br/><br/><u>Logo</u><font color="#333333">: On a </font><font color="#808080">gray </font><font color="#333333">stone background, we see the word "</font><font face="Times">STONE</font><font color="#333333">" in a large white font with a line below and above. The word "</font><font face="Times">TELEVISION</font><font color="#333333">" in a small white</font></font><div align="center"> <font color="#333333" size="1"><img align="right" alt="Stone Television" height="171" src="http://image.wikifoundry.com/image/3/T3yamozGTvaJTSB4zOqfeQ383356/GW222H171" title="Stone Television" width="222"/></font></div><font size="3"><font color="#333333"> font and in spaced out letters, fades in below also with a white line below all in shadow </font></font><div align="center"> </div><font size="3"><font color="#333333">mode.</font><br/><br/><u>FX/SFX</u><font color="#333333">: The word "</font><font><font face="Times">TELEVISION</font>" fading in.</font><font><br/><br/></font><font><u>Music/Sounds</u>: Generally the closing music of the show. On the end title theme from <i>Fun House</i>,<i> </i>Tiny Hurley announces "<i>Fun House </i>is a Stone Television Production!"</font><br/><br/><font><u>Availability</u>: Rare. Was seen on <i>Fun House</i>, and season 1 episodes of <i>Freddy's Nightmares</i>.</font><br/><br/><font><u>Editor's Note</u>: The dull colors of the logo may be eerie for a few, but it's boring.<br/><br/></font><br/><br/>2nd Logo<font><br/>(September 27, 1989-April 28, 1990)<br/></font></font><div align="center"> <font size="1"><img align="bottom" alt="Stone Television" height="191" src="http://image.wikifoundry.com/image/1/yxWUUpRJHmcRJNRIfLKEdw23406/GW258H191" title="Stone Television" width="258"/><iframe frameborder="0" height="191" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/widget/genericvideo/02f6e5d5a1c054cc9e6edd3a514deb3ae5f51ff3" width="338"></iframe></font></div><font size="3"> <br/><font><u>Nicknames</u><font color="#333333">: ''The Stone Logo II'',</font> <font color="#333333">"The Emerald Stone"</font><br/><br/><u>Logo</u><font color="#333333">: The text "</font><font face="Times">STONE</font><font color="#333333">" with "</font><font face="Times">TELEVISION</font><font color="#333333">" all in the same font as the last logo appears in spaced-out letters. Below it appears in a B&amp;W-like fashion, with the letters dark and a shadow seen from behind. All of a sudden, the background changes to a stone like </font><font color="#72a665">emerald </font><font color="#333333">and the word "</font><font face="Times">STONE</font><font color="#333333">" turns </font><font color="#44663e">turquoise </font><font color="#333333">and "</font><font face="Times">TELEVISION</font><font color="#333333">" turns green, as the shadow disappears. The logo then shines.</font><br/><br/><u>FX/SFX</u><font color="#333333">: The change from black and white to color, along with the shining.</font><br/><br/><u>Music/Sounds</u><font color="#333333">: The end title theme from any show, sometimes with an announcer spiel.</font><br/><br/><u>Availability</u><font color="#333333">: Rare. Seen on the latter seasons of </font><i>Fun House </i><font color="#333333">and </font><i>College Mad House</i><font color="#333333">, and on season 2 episodes of </font><i>Freddy's Nightmares</i><font color="#333333">.</font><br/><br/><u>Editor's Note</u>: None.<br/></font><br/><font color="#333333">_________________________________________________________________________________________________</font><br/><font size="4"><br/><b>Stone Stanley Entertainment</b></font><font> </font><br/><br/><font><br/></font></font><div><font size="3"><font>1st Logo<br/>(September 10, 1990-February 24, 2000)<br/></font> </font><div align="center"> <font color="#333333" size="1"><img align="bottom" alt="Stone-Stanley Productions 1990" height="175" src="http://image.wikifoundry.com/image/1/GEGmciq-nhKwuY2HzQk-XQ20039/GW228H175" title="Stone-Stanley Productions 1990" width="228"/><img align="bottom" alt="Stone Stanley Productions (1991)" height="175" src="http://image.wikifoundry.com/image/1/CJxFIGCQou9TdIfF-L2GDQ61656/GW237H175" title="Stone Stanley Productions (1991)" width="237"/></font></div><div align="center"><font size="1"><iframe frameborder="0" height="154" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/widget/genericvideo/8df54ca6b40a7c3fa78c3e6cfa1d014cc782eb9f" width="271"></iframe><iframe frameborder="0" height="153" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/widget/genericvideo/e2e0fc485affaf9ba651cdf231b88de98cc1945c" width="270"></iframe><iframe frameborder="0" height="153" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/widget/genericvideo/54f2a9c21f213943b2f750486c6b684805f81058" width="270"></iframe></font></div><font size="3"><u><br/>Nicknames</u><font color="#333333">: "Fill-In-Gold Letters", "Green Marble"  </font><br/><br/><u>Logo</u><font color="#333333">: On a </font><font color="#00ff00">green</font><font color="#333333">, marbled, stone background, we see "</font><font face="Times">STONE STANLEY</font><font color="#333333">" in the same font as the Stone Television logo (albeit much thinner) with two lines, one above it and one below it, engraved in the background. The text then fills with </font><font color="#ffff00">yellow </font><font color="#333333">coloring, then after it colorizes, "</font><font face="Times">PRODUCTIONS</font><font color="#333333">" fades in. It appears like this:</font><br/></font><div align="center"> <font color="#ffff00" size="3"><font face="Times"><b>_______________</b></font><br/></font></div> <div align="center"> <font color="#ffff00" face="Times" size="3">STONE</font></div><font color="#ffff00" size="3"> </font><div align="center"> <font color="#ffff00" face="Times" size="3"><u>-----STANLEY-----</u></font></div> <div align="center"> <font color="#ffff00" size="3"><font face="Times"><u>-PRODUCTIONS-</u></font><br/></font></div> <div align="center"> </div><font size="3"><br/><font color="#333333">The </font><font color="#ffff00">yellow </font><font color="#333333">color sets in as shiny gold. </font><br/><br/><u>Variants</u><font color="#333333">:</font></font><div><ul><li><font color="#333333" size="3">A still variant exists.</font></li><li><font size="3"><font color="#333333">There is an early variant where "</font><font color="#333333">STONE STANLEY</font><font color="#333333">" is in a bolder font, with the "</font><font color="#333333">S</font><font color="#333333">" in "</font><font color="#333333">STONE</font><font color="#333333">" and "</font><font color="#333333">STANLEY</font><font color="#333333">" larger than the rest of the name. It is not in </font><font color="#ffff00">gold </font><font color="#333333"><font face="Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">and doesn't fill-in. "</font><font face="Times">PRODUCTIONS</font><font face="Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">" simply fades in underneath.</font></font></font></li></ul><font color="#333333" size="3"><u><br/></u></font></div><div><font color="#333333" size="3"><u>FX/SFX</u>: The letters filling.<br/><br/><u>Music/Sounds</u>: A mellow synth tune ending with a "ping" sound, with an announcer or host saying "(name of show) is a Stone Stanley Production".</font><div><font color="#333333" face="Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="3"><br/></font><div><u><font color="#333333" size="3">Music/Sounds Variant:</font></u></div><div><ul><li><font color="#333333" face="Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="3">On <i>Legends of the Hidden Temple</i>, the end of the show's theme plays with Olmec (the talking stone head in the show, voiced by Dee Bradley Baker) saying "Hmmmmm..."</font></li><li><font color="#333333" face="Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="3">For <i>The Man Show</i>, the closing theme would also be used, with Jimmy Kimmel saying "<i>The Man Show </i>is a Stone-Stanley production in association with Jackhole Productions" (the second part of the spiel included after Jackhole's logo came up).</font></li><li><font color="#333333" face="Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="3">One funny v/o came from FX's <i>Bobcat's Big A** Show</i> (hosted by Bobcat Goldthwait), as said by announcer Eric Waddell-- "<i>Bobcat's Big A** Show </i>is a Stone Stanley Production! (a farting sound is heard) Ugh! What was that?".</font></li><li><font color="#333333" face="Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="3">The music was also low-pitched on USA's <i>Quicksilver </i>and <i>Free 4 All</i>. For the <i>Quicksilver </i>variant, the music was also played in the key of A rather than B.<br/></font></li><li><font color="#333333" face="Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="3">There is also a slightly extended variant of the music seen on some episodes of the Family Channel run of <i>Shop Til' You Drop</i>.</font></li><li><font color="#333333" face="Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="3">The VHS release <i>Jane Fonda's Lower Body Solution</i> uses an announcer-free version of the music. <br/></font></li></ul><font><font color="#333333" size="3"><u><br/></u></font></font></div><div><font color="#333333" size="3"><font><font><u>Availability:</u> Rare. Seen on VHS tapes of <i>Jane Fonda's Lower Body Solution </i>and DVDs of <i>The Man Show</i>. It was also seen on <i>Legends of the Hidden Temple </i>during it’s original run on Nickelodeon and reruns of the show on Nick GAS and The Splat on TeenNick, as well as '90s episodes of <i>Shop 'Til You Drop </i>when they were last seen on GSN. </font></font><i>Quicksilver</i><i>, </i><i>Free 4 All </i>and <i>Born Lucky</i> also carried this logo. The early variant was also seen on the final season of <i>Fun House</i><i> </i>and <i>Teen Win, Lose, or Draw</i>. The early variant was also seen at the end of <i>Fun House Fitness</i> tapes from Warner Home Video released at the end of the show's run. The short-lived 1996 Fox game show <i>Big Deal</i> (based off <i>Let's Make A Deal</i>) had this logo, followed by the [[New World Entertainment]] logo. The still variant was only seen on the short-lived<i> I Can't Believe You Said That!</i> which aired on Fox Family in 1998 (to fit in with their generic credits).<br/><br/><u>Editor's Note</u>: None.<br/><br/><br/><font><br/></font></font></div><div><font color="#333333" size="3"><font>2nd Logo<br/>(June 18, 2000-May 27, 2005)</font></font></div><div><font size="3"><font color="#333333"><font><div align="center"><font size="1"><img align="bottom" alt="Stone Stanley Entertainment (2000)" height="191" src="http://image.wikifoundry.com/image/1/yBw7I8kennw5TDb-aRFu4Q19784/GW258H191" title="Stone Stanley Entertainment (2000)" width="258"/><iframe frameborder="0" height="190" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/widget/genericvideo/52c5d0cf74272f417207287dd88d2cc2604556ca" width="335"></iframe></font></div><div></div><div></div></font></font><font color="#333333"><font><div></div><div></div></font><font><u><div><font><font><u><br/></u></font></font></div>Nickname</u>: "The Person with 5 Stars"<br/><br/><u>Logo</u>: On a white background, several shapes come together to form a stylized person holding 5 stars. In sync with the person being put together, "ST NE ST NLEY" (in a futuristic font) slide in, left and right. The person's body forms the "O" in "STONE", while its legs form the "A" in "STANLEY". </font><font><font>Once "STONE STANLEY" is complete, the word "<font face="Times">PRODUCTIONS</font>" fades in.<br/><br/><u>Variant</u>: The word "PRODUCTIONS" was later replaced by the word "<font face="Times">ENTERTAINMENT</font>".<br/><br/><u>FX/SFX</u>: The person forming, which looks strikingly similar to the LucasArts logo.<br/><br/><u>Music/Sounds</u>: A downward woodwind tune combined with a fast techno beat and the sound of applause.<br/><br/><u>Availability</u>: Rare. Seen on the PAX run of <i>Shop 'Til You Drop </i>(both the mall-era and "megastore" episodes) when it was last seen on GSN. Was also seen on <i>Popstars</i>, <i>The Mole</i>,<i> The Man Show</i>, and the U.S. version of <i>Winning Lines</i>.<br/><br/><u>Editor's Note</u>: None.</font></font><br/><font><font><font><font face="Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">_______________________________________________________________</font><br/><b><br/></b><font><font size="4"><b>Stone &amp; Company Entertainment</b></font><br/><br/><font face="Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">(</font><font face="Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">August 2, 2005</font><font face="Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">- )</font></font></font></font></font></font></font></div><div><font size="3"><font color="#333333"><div align="center"><font size="1"><img align="bottom" alt="Stone &amp; Company (2008)" height="200" src="http://image.wikifoundry.com/image/1/13C2jVd6QEE0YEmxvKSXrQ86405/GW263H200" title="Stone &amp; Company (2008)" width="263"/><iframe frameborder="0" height="200" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/widget/unknown/3cd844847699317c23ec7530ea7858541c036e81" width="354"></iframe></font></div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div><u><br/></u></div><div><u>Nickname</u>: "The Mountains"</div><br/><u>Logo</u>: On a </font><font color="#0000ff">blue </font><font color="#333333">background we zoom backwards through mountains with mist around them. Then, we zoom out to show that the mountains are contained in a blue rectangle on a white background. The words "<font face="Times">STONE &amp; COMPANY ENTERTAINMENT</font>" in Trajan Pro Bold font are seen below.<br/><br/><u>FX/SFX</u>: The zooming through the mountains.<br/><br/><u>Music/Sounds</u>: A techno theme or the closing theme of a show. On most episodes of <i>BrainSurge</i>, the techno theme is heavily sped up.<br/><br/><u>Music/Sounds/Variant</u>: Earlier episodes of <i>BrainSurge</i><i> </i>had an error where the music from the 310 Entertainment logo was used in this logo and vice versa.<br/><br/><u>Availability</u>: Seen on <i>BrainSurge</i>,<i> Hi-Jinks</i>, and on the 2016 Nickelodeon game show <i>Paradise Run</i>. Also seen on the short-lived series <i>NYC Prep</i> and <i>Undercover Cupid</i>.<br/><br/><u>Editor's Note</u>: None.<br/></font></font></div></div></div></div><br/></div>
<div class="WPC-editableContent" id="WPC-area?cellId=Stone+%26+Company+Entertainment&amp;version=88&amp;savePath=%2Fpage%2FStone%2B%2526%2BCompany%2BEntertainment&amp;saveType=page"><font size="3"><font><font><i><font color="#ffa500">Logo descriptions by</font> </i></font><font><i><font color="#333333">Silversword55, Shadeed A. Kelly, wolfie14, and BenderRoblox</font><br/><font color="#ffa500">Logo Pictures by</font><font color="#333333"> Eric S, snelfu, and BenderRoblox</font><br/></i><i><font color="#ffa500">Editions by</font><font color="#333333"> Shadeed A. Kelly, WWEISWAR</font></i><i>and, </i></font><font><i>WizardDuck, StephenCezar15, SamAWebster and Unnepad</i></font><font><br/></font><font><i><font color="#ffa500">Video captures courtesy of</font> </i><i>WizardDuck</i><font color="#333333">, </font></font><font><i>BenderRoblox, and Stephen Cezar</i></font></font><br/><font><br/><u>Background</u><font color="#333333">: Stone &amp; Company was formed by Scott A. Stone in 1987 under </font>[[Lorimar-Telepictures]]<font color="#333333">. Stone was Senior Vice-President of first-run syndication for </font>[[Telepictures Productions|Telepictures]]<font color="#333333">/Lorimar-Telepictures, where he supervised such programs like </font><i>Gumby</i><font color="#333333">, </font><i>The People's Court</i><font color="#333333">, </font><i>Thundercats</i><font color="#333333">, and the 1984 version of </font><i>Let's Make A Deal</i><font color="#333333">, among others. In 1991, he joined David G. Stanley and renamed the company as "Stone Stanley Productions". After</font><font color="#ffffff">.</font><i><font color="#333333">Shop 'Til You Drop</font></i><font color="#ffffff">.</font><font>ended in 2005</font><font color="#333333">, David Stanley left the company and Stone renamed the company as "Stone &amp; Company Entertainment".</font><br/></font><br/><font size="4"><br/><font><b>Stone Television</b></font></font><font><br/><br/>1st Logo<br/>(September 5, 1988-May 27, 1989)</font><br/> </font><div align="center"> </div><font size="3"> <br/><u>Nicknames</u>: <font><font>''The Stone Logo'', </font></font><font color="#333333">"The Gray Stone", "The Stone of Extreme Boredom"</font><br/><br/><u>Logo</u><font color="#333333">: On a </font><font color="#808080">gray </font><font color="#333333">stone background, we see the word "</font><font face="Times">STONE</font><font color="#333333">" in a large white font with a line below and above. The word "</font><font face="Times">TELEVISION</font><font color="#333333">" in a small white</font></font><div align="center"> <font color="#333333" size="1">[[File:T3yamozGTvaJTSB4zOqfeQ383356.png|222px|Stone Television]]</font></div><font size="3"><font color="#333333"> font and in spaced out letters, fades in below also with a white line below all in shadow </font></font><div align="center"> </div><font size="3"><font color="#333333">mode.</font><br/><br/><u>FX/SFX</u><font color="#333333">: The word "</font><font><font face="Times">TELEVISION</font>" fading in.</font><font><br/><br/></font><font><u>Music/Sounds</u>: Generally the closing music of the show. On the end title theme from <i>Fun House</i>,<i> </i>Tiny Hurley announces "<i>Fun House </i>is a Stone Television Production!"</font><br/><br/><font><u>Availability</u>: Rare. Was seen on <i>Fun House</i>, and season 1 episodes of <i>Freddy's Nightmares</i>.</font><br/><br/><font><u>Editor's Note</u>: The dull colors of the logo may be eerie for a few, but it's boring.<br/><br/></font><br/><br/>2nd Logo<font><br/>(September 27, 1989-April 28, 1990)<br/></font></font><div align="center"> <font size="1">[[File:YxWUUpRJHmcRJNRIfLKEdw23406.jpeg|258px|Stone Television]]<iframe frameborder="0" height="191" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/widget/genericvideo/02f6e5d5a1c054cc9e6edd3a514deb3ae5f51ff3" width="338"></iframe></font></div><font size="3"> <br/><font><u>Nicknames</u><font color="#333333">: ''The Stone Logo II'',</font> <font color="#333333">"The Emerald Stone"</font><br/><br/><u>Logo</u><font color="#333333">: The text "</font><font face="Times">STONE</font><font color="#333333">" with "</font><font face="Times">TELEVISION</font><font color="#333333">" all in the same font as the last logo appears in spaced-out letters. Below it appears in a B&amp;W-like fashion, with the letters dark and a shadow seen from behind. All of a sudden, the background changes to a stone like </font><font color="#72a665">emerald </font><font color="#333333">and the word "</font><font face="Times">STONE</font><font color="#333333">" turns </font><font color="#44663e">turquoise </font><font color="#333333">and "</font><font face="Times">TELEVISION</font><font color="#333333">" turns green, as the shadow disappears. The logo then shines.</font><br/><br/><u>FX/SFX</u><font color="#333333">: The change from black and white to color, along with the shining.</font><br/><br/><u>Music/Sounds</u><font color="#333333">: The end title theme from any show, sometimes with an announcer spiel.</font><br/><br/><u>Availability</u><font color="#333333">: Rare. Seen on the latter seasons of </font><i>Fun House </i><font color="#333333">and </font><i>College Mad House</i><font color="#333333">, and on season 2 episodes of </font><i>Freddy's Nightmares</i><font color="#333333">.</font><br/><br/><u>Editor's Note</u>: None.<br/></font><br/><font color="#333333">_________________________________________________________________________________________________</font><br/><font size="4"><br/><b>Stone Stanley Entertainment</b></font><font> </font><br/><br/><font><br/></font></font><div><font size="3"><font>1st Logo<br/>(September 10, 1990-February 24, 2000)<br/></font> </font><div align="center"> <font color="#333333" size="1">[[File:GEGmciq-nhKwuY2HzQk-XQ20039.jpeg|228px|Stone-Stanley Productions 1990]][[File:CJxFIGCQou9TdIfF-L2GDQ61656.jpeg|237px|Stone Stanley Productions (1991)]]</font></div><div align="center"><font size="1"><iframe frameborder="0" height="154" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/widget/genericvideo/8df54ca6b40a7c3fa78c3e6cfa1d014cc782eb9f" width="271"></iframe><iframe frameborder="0" height="153" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/widget/genericvideo/e2e0fc485affaf9ba651cdf231b88de98cc1945c" width="270"></iframe><iframe frameborder="0" height="153" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/widget/genericvideo/54f2a9c21f213943b2f750486c6b684805f81058" width="270"></iframe></font></div><font size="3"><u><br/>Nicknames</u><font color="#333333">: "Fill-In-Gold Letters", "Green Marble"  </font><br/><br/><u>Logo</u><font color="#333333">: On a </font><font color="#00ff00">green</font><font color="#333333">, marbled, stone background, we see "</font><font face="Times">STONE STANLEY</font><font color="#333333">" in the same font as the Stone Television logo (albeit much thinner) with two lines, one above it and one below it, engraved in the background. The text then fills with </font><font color="#ffff00">yellow </font><font color="#333333">coloring, then after it colorizes, "</font><font face="Times">PRODUCTIONS</font><font color="#333333">" fades in. It appears like this:</font><br/></font><div align="center"> <font color="#ffff00" size="3"><font face="Times"><b>_______________</b></font><br/></font></div> <div align="center"> <font color="#ffff00" face="Times" size="3">STONE</font></div><font color="#ffff00" size="3"> </font><div align="center"> <font color="#ffff00" face="Times" size="3"><u>-----STANLEY-----</u></font></div> <div align="center"> <font color="#ffff00" size="3"><font face="Times"><u>-PRODUCTIONS-</u></font><br/></font></div> <div align="center"> </div><font size="3"><br/><font color="#333333">The </font><font color="#ffff00">yellow </font><font color="#333333">color sets in as shiny gold. </font><br/><br/><u>Variants</u><font color="#333333">:</font></font><div><ul><li><font color="#333333" size="3">A still variant exists.</font></li><li><font size="3"><font color="#333333">There is an early variant where "</font><font color="#333333">STONE STANLEY</font><font color="#333333">" is in a bolder font, with the "</font><font color="#333333">S</font><font color="#333333">" in "</font><font color="#333333">STONE</font><font color="#333333">" and "</font><font color="#333333">STANLEY</font><font color="#333333">" larger than the rest of the name. It is not in </font><font color="#ffff00">gold </font><font color="#333333"><font face="Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">and doesn't fill-in. "</font><font face="Times">PRODUCTIONS</font><font face="Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">" simply fades in underneath.</font></font></font></li></ul><font color="#333333" size="3"><u><br/></u></font></div><div><font color="#333333" size="3"><u>FX/SFX</u>: The letters filling.<br/><br/><u>Music/Sounds</u>: A mellow synth tune ending with a "ping" sound, with an announcer or host saying "(name of show) is a Stone Stanley Production".</font><div><font color="#333333" face="Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="3"><br/></font><div><u><font color="#333333" size="3">Music/Sounds Variant:</font></u></div><div><ul><li><font color="#333333" face="Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="3">On <i>Legends of the Hidden Temple</i>, the end of the show's theme plays with Olmec (the talking stone head in the show, voiced by Dee Bradley Baker) saying "Hmmmmm..."</font></li><li><font color="#333333" face="Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="3">For <i>The Man Show</i>, the closing theme would also be used, with Jimmy Kimmel saying "<i>The Man Show </i>is a Stone-Stanley production in association with Jackhole Productions" (the second part of the spiel included after Jackhole's logo came up).</font></li><li><font color="#333333" face="Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="3">One funny v/o came from FX's <i>Bobcat's Big A** Show</i> (hosted by Bobcat Goldthwait), as said by announcer Eric Waddell-- "<i>Bobcat's Big A** Show </i>is a Stone Stanley Production! (a farting sound is heard) Ugh! What was that?".</font></li><li><font color="#333333" face="Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="3">The music was also low-pitched on USA's <i>Quicksilver </i>and <i>Free 4 All</i>. For the <i>Quicksilver </i>variant, the music was also played in the key of A rather than B.<br/></font></li><li><font color="#333333" face="Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="3">There is also a slightly extended variant of the music seen on some episodes of the Family Channel run of <i>Shop Til' You Drop</i>.</font></li><li><font color="#333333" face="Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="3">The VHS release <i>Jane Fonda's Lower Body Solution</i> uses an announcer-free version of the music. <br/></font></li></ul><font><font color="#333333" size="3"><u><br/></u></font></font></div><div><font color="#333333" size="3"><font><font><u>Availability:</u> Rare. Seen on VHS tapes of <i>Jane Fonda's Lower Body Solution </i>and DVDs of <i>The Man Show</i>. It was also seen on <i>Legends of the Hidden Temple </i>during it’s original run on Nickelodeon and reruns of the show on Nick GAS and The Splat on TeenNick, as well as '90s episodes of <i>Shop 'Til You Drop </i>when they were last seen on GSN. </font></font><i>Quicksilver</i><i>, </i><i>Free 4 All </i>and <i>Born Lucky</i> also carried this logo. The early variant was also seen on the final season of <i>Fun House</i><i> </i>and <i>Teen Win, Lose, or Draw</i>. The early variant was also seen at the end of <i>Fun House Fitness</i> tapes from Warner Home Video released at the end of the show's run. The short-lived 1996 Fox game show <i>Big Deal</i> (based off <i>Let's Make A Deal</i>) had this logo, followed by the [[New World Entertainment]] logo. The still variant was only seen on the short-lived<i> I Can't Believe You Said That!</i> which aired on Fox Family in 1998 (to fit in with their generic credits).<br/><br/><u>Editor's Note</u>: None.<br/><br/><br/><font><br/></font></font></div><div><font color="#333333" size="3"><font>2nd Logo<br/>(June 18, 2000-May 27, 2005)</font></font></div><div><font size="3"><font color="#333333"><font><div align="center"><font size="1">[[File:YBw7I8kennw5TDb-aRFu4Q19784.jpeg|258px|Stone Stanley Entertainment (2000)]]<iframe frameborder="0" height="190" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/widget/genericvideo/52c5d0cf74272f417207287dd88d2cc2604556ca" width="335"></iframe></font></div><div></div><div></div></font></font><font color="#333333"><font><div></div><div></div></font><font><u><div><font><font><u><br/></u></font></font></div>Nickname</u>: "The Person with 5 Stars"<br/><br/><u>Logo</u>: On a white background, several shapes come together to form a stylized person holding 5 stars. In sync with the person being put together, "ST NE ST NLEY" (in a futuristic font) slide in, left and right. The person's body forms the "O" in "STONE", while its legs form the "A" in "STANLEY". </font><font><font>Once "STONE STANLEY" is complete, the word "<font face="Times">PRODUCTIONS</font>" fades in.<br/><br/><u>Variant</u>: The word "PRODUCTIONS" was later replaced by the word "<font face="Times">ENTERTAINMENT</font>".<br/><br/><u>FX/SFX</u>: The person forming, which looks strikingly similar to the LucasArts logo.<br/><br/><u>Music/Sounds</u>: A downward woodwind tune combined with a fast techno beat and the sound of applause.<br/><br/><u>Availability</u>: Rare. Seen on the PAX run of <i>Shop 'Til You Drop </i>(both the mall-era and "megastore" episodes) when it was last seen on GSN. Was also seen on <i>Popstars</i>, <i>The Mole</i>,<i> The Man Show</i>, and the U.S. version of <i>Winning Lines</i>.<br/><br/><u>Editor's Note</u>: None.</font></font><br/><font><font><font><font face="Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">_______________________________________________________________</font><br/><b><br/></b><font><font size="4"><b>Stone &amp; Company Entertainment</b></font><br/><br/><font face="Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">(</font><font face="Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">August 2, 2005</font><font face="Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">- )</font></font></font></font></font></font></font></div><div><font size="3"><font color="#333333"><div align="center"><font size="1">[[File:13C2jVd6QEE0YEmxvKSXrQ86405.jpeg|263px|Stone & Company (2008)]]<iframe frameborder="0" height="200" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/widget/unknown/3cd844847699317c23ec7530ea7858541c036e81" width="354"></iframe></font></div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div><u><br/></u></div><div><u>Nickname</u>: "The Mountains"</div><br/><u>Logo</u>: On a </font><font color="#0000ff">blue </font><font color="#333333">background we zoom backwards through mountains with mist around them. Then, we zoom out to show that the mountains are contained in a blue rectangle on a white background. The words "<font face="Times">STONE &amp; COMPANY ENTERTAINMENT</font>" in Trajan Pro Bold font are seen below.<br/><br/><u>FX/SFX</u>: The zooming through the mountains.<br/><br/><u>Music/Sounds</u>: A techno theme or the closing theme of a show. On most episodes of <i>BrainSurge</i>, the techno theme is heavily sped up.<br/><br/><u>Music/Sounds/Variant</u>: Earlier episodes of <i>BrainSurge</i><i> </i>had an error where the music from the 310 Entertainment logo was used in this logo and vice versa.<br/><br/><u>Availability</u>: Seen on <i>BrainSurge</i>,<i> Hi-Jinks</i>, and on the 2016 Nickelodeon game show <i>Paradise Run</i>. Also seen on the short-lived series <i>NYC Prep</i> and <i>Undercover Cupid</i>.<br/><br/><u>Editor's Note</u>: None.<br/></font></font></div></div></div></div><br/></div>

Latest revision as of 16:00, 3 November 2020

Logo descriptions by Silversword55, Shadeed A. Kelly, wolfie14, and BenderRoblox
Logo Pictures by Eric S, snelfu, and BenderRoblox
Editions by Shadeed A. Kelly, WWEISWARand,
WizardDuck, StephenCezar15, SamAWebster and Unnepad
Video captures courtesy of WizardDuck, BenderRoblox, and Stephen Cezar

Background: Stone & Company was formed by Scott A. Stone in 1987 under Lorimar-Telepictures. Stone was Senior Vice-President of first-run syndication for Telepictures/Lorimar-Telepictures, where he supervised such programs like Gumby, The People's Court, Thundercats, and the 1984 version of Let's Make A Deal, among others. In 1991, he joined David G. Stanley and renamed the company as "Stone Stanley Productions". After.Shop 'Til You Drop.ended in 2005, David Stanley left the company and Stone renamed the company as "Stone & Company Entertainment".

Stone Television

1st Logo
(September 5, 1988-May 27, 1989)

Nicknames: The Stone Logo, "The Gray Stone", "The Stone of Extreme Boredom"

Logo: On a gray stone background, we see the word "STONE" in a large white font with a line below and above. The word "TELEVISION" in a small white
Stone Television
font and in spaced out letters, fades in below also with a white line below all in shadow

FX/SFX: The word "TELEVISION" fading in.

Music/Sounds: Generally the closing music of the show. On the end title theme from Fun House, Tiny Hurley announces "Fun House is a Stone Television Production!"

Availability: Rare. Was seen on Fun House, and season 1 episodes of Freddy's Nightmares.

Editor's Note: The dull colors of the logo may be eerie for a few, but it's boring.

2nd Logo
(September 27, 1989-April 28, 1990)

Nicknames: The Stone Logo II, "The Emerald Stone"

Logo: The text "STONE" with "TELEVISION" all in the same font as the last logo appears in spaced-out letters. Below it appears in a B&W-like fashion, with the letters dark and a shadow seen from behind. All of a sudden, the background changes to a stone like emerald and the word "STONE" turns turquoise and "TELEVISION" turns green, as the shadow disappears. The logo then shines.

FX/SFX: The change from black and white to color, along with the shining.

Music/Sounds: The end title theme from any show, sometimes with an announcer spiel.

Availability: Rare. Seen on the latter seasons of Fun House and College Mad House, and on season 2 episodes of Freddy's Nightmares.

Editor's Note: None.


Stone Stanley Entertainment

1st Logo
(September 10, 1990-February 24, 2000)
Stone-Stanley Productions 1990Stone Stanley Productions (1991)

: "Fill-In-Gold Letters", "Green Marble"

Logo: On a green, marbled, stone background, we see "STONE STANLEY" in the same font as the Stone Television logo (albeit much thinner) with two lines, one above it and one below it, engraved in the background. The text then fills with yellow coloring, then after it colorizes, "PRODUCTIONS" fades in. It appears like this:

The yellow color sets in as shiny gold.

  • A still variant exists.
  • There is an early variant where "STONE STANLEY" is in a bolder font, with the "S" in "STONE" and "STANLEY" larger than the rest of the name. It is not in gold and doesn't fill-in. "PRODUCTIONS" simply fades in underneath.

FX/SFX: The letters filling.

Music/Sounds: A mellow synth tune ending with a "ping" sound, with an announcer or host saying "(name of show) is a Stone Stanley Production".

Music/Sounds Variant:
  • On Legends of the Hidden Temple, the end of the show's theme plays with Olmec (the talking stone head in the show, voiced by Dee Bradley Baker) saying "Hmmmmm..."
  • For The Man Show, the closing theme would also be used, with Jimmy Kimmel saying "The Man Show is a Stone-Stanley production in association with Jackhole Productions" (the second part of the spiel included after Jackhole's logo came up).
  • One funny v/o came from FX's Bobcat's Big A** Show (hosted by Bobcat Goldthwait), as said by announcer Eric Waddell-- "Bobcat's Big A** Show is a Stone Stanley Production! (a farting sound is heard) Ugh! What was that?".
  • The music was also low-pitched on USA's Quicksilver and Free 4 All. For the Quicksilver variant, the music was also played in the key of A rather than B.
  • There is also a slightly extended variant of the music seen on some episodes of the Family Channel run of Shop Til' You Drop.
  • The VHS release Jane Fonda's Lower Body Solution uses an announcer-free version of the music.

Availability: Rare. Seen on VHS tapes of Jane Fonda's Lower Body Solution and DVDs of The Man Show. It was also seen on Legends of the Hidden Temple during it’s original run on Nickelodeon and reruns of the show on Nick GAS and The Splat on TeenNick, as well as '90s episodes of Shop 'Til You Drop when they were last seen on GSN. Quicksilver, Free 4 All and Born Lucky also carried this logo. The early variant was also seen on the final season of Fun House and Teen Win, Lose, or Draw. The early variant was also seen at the end of Fun House Fitness tapes from Warner Home Video released at the end of the show's run. The short-lived 1996 Fox game show Big Deal (based off Let's Make A Deal) had this logo, followed by the New World Entertainment logo. The still variant was only seen on the short-lived I Can't Believe You Said That! which aired on Fox Family in 1998 (to fit in with their generic credits).

Editor's Note: None.

2nd Logo
(June 18, 2000-May 27, 2005)

: "The Person with 5 Stars"

Logo: On a white background, several shapes come together to form a stylized person holding 5 stars. In sync with the person being put together, "ST NE ST NLEY" (in a futuristic font) slide in, left and right. The person's body forms the "O" in "STONE", while its legs form the "A" in "STANLEY".
Once "STONE STANLEY" is complete, the word "PRODUCTIONS" fades in.

Variant: The word "PRODUCTIONS" was later replaced by the word "ENTERTAINMENT".

FX/SFX: The person forming, which looks strikingly similar to the LucasArts logo.

Music/Sounds: A downward woodwind tune combined with a fast techno beat and the sound of applause.

Availability: Rare. Seen on the PAX run of Shop 'Til You Drop (both the mall-era and "megastore" episodes) when it was last seen on GSN. Was also seen on Popstars, The Mole, The Man Show, and the U.S. version of Winning Lines.

Editor's Note: None.


Stone & Company Entertainment

(August 2, 2005- )

Nickname: "The Mountains"

Logo: On a
blue background we zoom backwards through mountains with mist around them. Then, we zoom out to show that the mountains are contained in a blue rectangle on a white background. The words "STONE & COMPANY ENTERTAINMENT" in Trajan Pro Bold font are seen below.

FX/SFX: The zooming through the mountains.

Music/Sounds: A techno theme or the closing theme of a show. On most episodes of BrainSurge, the techno theme is heavily sped up.

Music/Sounds/Variant: Earlier episodes of BrainSurge had an error where the music from the 310 Entertainment logo was used in this logo and vice versa.

Availability: Seen on BrainSurge, Hi-Jinks, and on the 2016 Nickelodeon game show Paradise Run. Also seen on the short-lived series NYC Prep and Undercover Cupid.

Editor's Note: None.