Visa Video (Portugal)

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Background: Visa Video was a home video distributor from Portugal. It was related to the Video Bancorp.

1st (known) Logo

<iframe align="right" frameborder="0" height="204" src="" width="361"></iframe>
NOTE: Logo can be seen at0:36

Logo: We gradually zoom in to a space background full of stars. In white, "VISA VIDEO" and its trail spin out to the top of the screen before eventually moving down to the center, where it lays at a tilted angle. From the top center, "APRESENTA" and its trail slide to the left, and finally in the direction of the bottom right corner, where it rests beside "VISA VIDEO"

FX/SFX: The zooming in, the spinning and moving of "VISA VIDEO" and the sliding of "APRESENTA" as well as their respective "trails."

Music/Sounds: Same as the IFD Films & Arts logo, but it abruptly cuts off.

Availability: Possibly seen on releases from this company during the time.

Editor's Note: None.