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Logo descriptions by DaBigLogoCollector
Image captures by DaBigLogoCollector
Video captures by DaBigLogoCollector, rikk83, and The Logo Archive
Editions by EnormousRat, HiddenResearcher, MegaAveron25, Logophile, DaBigLogoCollectorand SnowflakesOmega

Background: Technicolor, a Thomson service and pioneered by Technicolor Motion Picture Corporation, a division of Technicolor SA, is the leader in color processing since 1915. Technicolor has been known for the color of classic movies and shorts from studios like MGM and Disney.

1st Logo
(1998-Early 2000s)

<img align="bottom" alt='Technicolor Manufactured by" notice (2000)' height="215" src="" title='Technicolor Manufactured by" notice (2000)' width="280"/><img align="bottom" alt="Technicolor (2000)" height="215" src="" title="Technicolor (2000)" width="280"/>
<embed allowfullscreen="true" height="213" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="261" wmode="transparent"/>

Nickname(s): "Multi-Colored Film Reel"

Logo: On a black background 3D multi-colored "petals" (yellow, orange, red, purple, blue, and green), which resemble a film reel's holes, slowly spin and zoom in toward us. When the "petals" fill the entire screen, they turn 2D on a white background and zoom out, then lean to the left with a shadow that resembles a multi-colored film reel. "TECHNICOLOR(R)" and "Color Matters" fade in underneath the petals.

FX/SFX: The film reel zooming in, out, and leaning to the left; the text fading in.

Variant: On some releases, we first see a white background with the text "Manufactured by" and then cut to the 2D film reel zooming out.

Music/Sounds: First, a choir harmonizes throughout, then we start hearing a slowly ascending clicking sound (perhaps representing the spinning of the film reel), which soon begin to descend in tone. When the film reel zooms out, a gentle 8-note piano tune plays. The variant has a short version that begins when the reel sound descends. The Technicolor Creative Services notice is silent.

Availability: The long version can be seen on the library edition VHS of Amistad. The short "manufactured by" version appears at the end of the Star Wars - Episode I - The Phantom Menace VHS (standard and widescreen).

Editor's Note: None.

2nd Logo

<embed allowfullscreen="true" height="230" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="277" wmode="transparent"/>

Logo: We start with colorful thunderclouds and a multi-color circle. Blue tint occurs to reveal we're in the blue portion of the Technicolor film reel, which starts spinning around from left to right. A multi-colored flash occurs once it's in place and "TECHNICOLOR" in the same font as the previous logo appears with a shine from the left. A light ray creates the film reel's sides and shadow, "by THOMSON" (generic and corporate font respectively) appears under TECHNICOLOR and the logo shines from the right.

: Everything. Quite colorful.

Music/Sounds: A mellow fanfare starting with a droning synth, accompanied by thunderclaps, a choir, a spinning sound and a shimmer at the end.

Availability: TBA

Editor's Note: None.

3rd Logo

Logo: TBA.


Music/Sounds: TBA.

Availability: Rare.

Editor's Note: None.

4th Logo

Nickname: "Technicolor-brand paint", "Paint spill"

Logo: On a black background we see a horizontal role of cans that tip over and spill their paint of multiple colors. "technicolor" appears over the colors. The whole thing zooms out throughout.

FX/SFX: The paint cans spilling paint, fading text and zoom-out.

: So far, the end theme of the show.

: Seen on The Deep (2015 animated Australian/Canadian TV show)

Editor's Note: None.