FOX Music Cinema (Uzbekistan)

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Logo descriptions by 19Joshua
Video captures courtesy of Silverol47

Background: FOX Music Cinema is a recording studio located in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

1st Logo

Fox Music Cinema (2015)
Logo: Almost looking the same as the 5th logo of 20th Century Fox, except we fade into the top aerial view of the FOX Music Cinema structure, there are no carved lines in the structure. "HOLLYWOOD" is replaced with "UZBEKISTAN", and "A NEWS CORPORATION COMPANY" is replaced with "TAQDIM ETADI".

FX/SFX: Same as the 5th logo of 20th Century Fox.

Music/Sounds: An ethereal ambient theme with vocals.

Availability: Spotted on Qilmish Qidirmish, To'qlikka sho'xlik 2 and Ayriliq 2.

Editor's Note: They have used a Cinema 4D template of the Fox logo.

2nd Logo

Logo: The metallic text "FOX" spins out in front of a spotlight background, while a "C" settles in below and the rest of the words "MUSI" and "INEMA" come out from the sides. All of the letters have a gold bordering. "FOX" then spins to the right, revealing an engraved filmstrip while the completed logo shines.

FX/SFX: 3DCG effects.

Music/Sounds: Metallic whooshing sounds.

Availability: Spotted on Soddagina qiz.

Editor's Note: None.