Saturn Films

From Closing Logos
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Logo descriptions by EnormousRat and WetPaintLogo1993
Photo captures by EnormousRat
Video captures by EnormousRat
and KiNoLogoIntroRelease

Background: This is the film company of Nicholas Cage.

1st Logo
(May 15, 2000)

Logo: On a space background, a golden ball zooms out, with a dimly lit ring rotating around its diameter. The ball then slowly brightens, forming a stylized Saturn, as "SATURN", also in gold, wipes in below.

FX/SFX: The ball zooming out, the ring rotating

Music/Sounds: A dramatic choir with sounds of beeping at the end.

Availability: Seen only on Shadow of the Vampire.

Editor's Note: None.

2nd Logo
(December 22, 2000-)

Saturn Films (2008)Saturn Films (2009)
<iframe align="bottom" frameborder="0" height="205" src="" width="367"></iframe>

Logo:The camera zooms past a blue ring with grooves, with smoke slightly seen on it, which surrounds a blue glass sphere with a camera lens inside it, forming a blue stylized ringed planet. The shutter inside the lens closes down as the camera flies past it. As the ringed planet settles into position, three copies of the word "SATURN", set in a blue sans-serif font, turn around the sphere from the right (like the Universal "90's Globe" logo). The innermost copy of the "SATURN" then settles in front of the planet, turning white as the other copies fly away, while the word "FILMS", set in a smaller sans-serif font, fades in below the "SATURN" as smoke bursts out from the planet. As a ripple appears around the ring, the logo shines, with the lens inside the sphere briefly seen.

  • Sometimes the Saturn logo just fades out.
  • On Bad Lieutenant (2009) the still print version was used.
  • On The Life of David Gale, the logo is in black and white.
  • On Next, after the logo forms, the logo goes into reverse with three still-shot effects, and during the still-shot everything flashes inverted gold.

FX/SFX: The whole animation of the planet, the rings moving, the name sliding.

Music/Sounds: A drum-led piece with an electronic whirring sound throughout with some whooshes and tinkling noises held out till the end of the logo.

Availability: Common. Seen on every film from this company, starting with The Family Man.

Editor's Note: None.