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(Created page with "<div class="WPC-editableContent" id="WPC-area?cellId=New+Line+Television&version=201&savePath=%2Fpage%2FNew%2BLine%2BTelevision&saveType=page"><font color="#333333...")
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<div class="WPC-editableContent" id="WPC-area?cellId=New+Line+Television&amp;version=201&amp;savePath=%2Fpage%2FNew%2BLine%2BTelevision&amp;saveType=page"><font color="#333333" size="3"><i><font color="#ffa500">Logo descriptions by</font> Shadeed A. Kelly, Eric S</i></font><font color="#333333" size="3"><i>.,</i></font><font color="#333333"> <i><font size="3">and Logophile<br/></font></i></font><font color="#333333" size="3"><i><font color="#ffa500">Logo captures by</font> Eric S., V of Doom, Logophile, Shadeed A. Kelly, Livin' and SomerHimpson<br/><font color="#ffa500">Editions by</font> V of Doom and Bob Fish<br/><font color="#ffa500">Video captures courtesy of</font> Eric S. and Pepsi9072</i><br/><br/><br/><u>Background</u>: New Line Television was the television production/distribution arm of [[New Line Cinema]]; first producing the <i>Motown Merry Christmas Special</i>, and continued with their own syndicated movie package. After that, it went on to producing and promoting the <i>Nightmare on Elm Street</i> franchise on television, specifically with the short-lived show <i>Freddy's Nightmare</i>s, but after the series was canceled in 1990, New Line officially launched its television unit in 1991 before being acquired by Turner Broadcasting System on January 28, 1994. Officially announced in October 2006, that [[MGM Television]] (owned by [[Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures|Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer]] under MGM Holdings Inc.) would be distributing New Line Television material and television broadcasts of New Line films.<font size="3"> On February 28, 2008, after New Line Cinema shut down as an independent studio under Time Warner (now "WarnerMedia"), it was made as a division of [[Warner Bros. Pictures]]. As of the matter, </font></font><font color="#333333" size="3"><font size="3">New Line Television was closed down. New Line Television was revived in 2016 to produce the TV adaptations of <i>Rush Hour</i> and<i> Frequency</i>. New Line's film catalog was previously distributed by <font color="#333333">[[Viacom (CBS)|Viacom Enterprises]]</font>.<br/><br/><br/></font></font><font color="#333333" size="3">1st Logo<br/>(1987-1994)</font><font size="1"><br/></font><div align="center"><font size="1"><img align="bottom" alt="New Line Television (1992) A" height="175" src="http://image.wikifoundry.com/image/3/3917b4e52825a345f16027d56f506a5f/GW233H175" title="New Line Television (1992) A" width="233"/><img align="bottom" alt="New Line Television (1992) B" height="175" src="http://image.wikifoundry.com/image/3/127b2ae4f6613e552712703f19f63884/GW233H175" title="New Line Television (1992) B" width="233"/></font><br/><font color="#333333" size="1"><iframe frameborder="0" height="175" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/widget/genericvideo/9a51ced0595e256d33bc379eb9d0659f1640b16d" width="219"></iframe></font></div><font color="#333333" size="3"><br/><u>Nicknames</u>: "The Filmbox", "Box and Filmstrips", "New Line Filmbox", "The Ladder", "The Filmstrip", "Box and Filmstrips in a Filmstrip"<br/><br/></font><font color="#333333" size="3"><u>Logo</u>: On a starry background is a silver filmstrip. Inside is the Filmbox logo with "<font face="Times">NEW LINE CINEMA</font>" below. The logo is inside the several frames. The logo</font><font color="#333333" size="3"> eases back as the filmstrip scrolls down and eases in on one of the frames, where an orange sphere with a trail steaks in from right to left and causes the Filmbox to flip around once.<br/><br/><u>Trivia</u>: Originally, this was based on the opening for New Line Cinema's syndication movie and TV package, that aired from 1987 to 1994. It was later produced from RHI Entertainment in 1991.<br/><br/></font><font color="#333333" size="3"><u>FX/SFX</u>: The CGI filmstrip scrolling.<br/><br/><u>Music/Sounds</u>: A majestic synthesized fanfare with a chime section and a whoosh as the orange streak appears.<br/><br/><u>Availability</u>: Extinct.<br/></font><ul><li><font color="#333333" size="3">It appeared at the middle and the end of the <i>Motown Merry Christmas </i>special, which aired on NBC back in 1987.</font></li><li><font color="#333333" size="3">This also appeared on television broadcasts of </font><font color="#333333" size="3"><font color="#333333" size="3">several </font>New Line and non-New Line films in </font><font color="#333333" size="3"><font color="#333333" size="3">syndication.</font></font></li></ul><font color="#333333" size="3"><font color="#333333" size="3"><br/><u>Editor's Note</u>:</font> None.<br/><br/><br/><br/></font><font size="3">2nd Logo<br/></font><font color="#333333" size="3">(October 8, 1988-March 12, 1990)<br/></font><br/><font color="#333333" size="1"><img align="right" alt="New Line Television (1988)" height="175" src="http://image.wikifoundry.com/image/3/igGMzhxaWpq_o2qwwKoFRQ52604/GW233H175" title="New Line Television (1988)" width="233"/></font><font color="#333333" size="3"><u>Nicknames</u>: "The Filmbox II", "Box and Filmstrips II", "The Ladder II", "New Line Filmbox II"<br/><br/></font><font color="#333333" size="3"><u>Logo</u>: It's the same logo as the movie version of New Line Cinema, but the animation is sped-up. The logo also has no television indicator whatsoever.<br/><br/></font><font color="#333333" size="3"><u>FX/SFX</u>: Same as the 1987 New Line Cinema logo.<br/><br/></font><font color="#333333" face="Arial" size="3"><u>Music/Sounds</u></font><font color="#333333" size="3">: Just the end-title theme playing over it.<br/><br/><u>Availability</u>: Rare. It's seen on <i>Freddy's Nightmares</i>.<br/><br/></font><font color="#333333" size="3"><u><font color="#333333" size="3"><font color="#333333" size="3"><u>Editor's Note</u></font></font></u><font color="#333333" size="3"><font color="#333333" size="3">:</font> None.</font><br/><br/><br/><br/></font><font color="#333333" size="3">3rd Logo<br/></font><font color="#333333" size="3">(1991?-1994)<br/></font><div align="center"><font color="#333333" size="1"><img align="bottom" alt="New Line Television Distribution (A Division of RHI Entertainment)" height="175" src="http://image.wikifoundry.com/image/1/UJcRmwClo3zl5W6whIhSvQ31492/GW233H175" title="New Line Television Distribution (A Division of RHI Entertainment)" width="233"/></font><font color="#333333" size="1"><embed allowfullscreen="true" height="175" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/widget/youtubevideo/351bd46735ef912ec64d53b0f20275b1b7c31aaf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="219" wmode="transparent"/></font></div><font color="#333333" size="3"><br/><u>Nicknames</u>: <font face="Arial" size="3">"The Filmbox III", </font><font face="Arial" size="3">"Box and Film</font></font><font color="#333333" size="3"><font face="Arial" size="3">strips III", "The Ladder III", "New Line Filmbox III", </font>"Chrome Ladder", "Chrome Filmstrip", "New Line Chrome Filmbox"<br/><br/><u>Logo</u>: On a black background we see a metallic filmstrip, then the camera rotates and the New line logo forms as it is being cut from the filmstrip. Then the words "<font color="#808080" face="Times">NEW LINE TELEVISION DISTRIBUTION</font>" on New Line's corporate font fades-in. Under it there's a line and a byline that reads "<font color="#808080">A Division of RHI Entertainment, Inc.</font>".<br/><br/><u>Trivia</u>: </font><font color="#333333" size="3">This logo was used during the time New Line Cinema owned 55% of [[RHI Entertainment Inc.|RHI Entertainment]] in 1991.<br/><br/></font><font color="#333333" size="3"><u>FX/SFX</u>: The filmstrip rolling, and the ladders forming the logo.<br/><br/></font><font color="#333333" face="Arial" size="3"><u>Music/Sounds</u></font><font color="#333333" size="3">: The second part of the RHI fanfare theme from the era.<br/><br/><u>Availability</u>: Extremely rare. This was found on an RHI reprint of the movie<i> In the Line of Duty</i>.<br/><br/><u>Editor's Note</u>: None.</font><font color="#333333" size="3"><br/><br/><br/><br/>4th Logo</font><font color="#333333" size="3"><br/>(1993?-1994)<br/></font><div align="center"><font size="1"><img align="bottom" alt="New Line Television (1994)" height="175" src="http://image.wikifoundry.com/image/3/1b6d89d717054e94c0d489ce84b34471/GW225H175" title="New Line Television (1994)" width="225"/><iframe frameborder="0" height="175" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/widget/genericvideo/21f110a3bf6b8d2eb99d101af9bc459c5602c3d2" width="219"></iframe></font></div><font color="#333333" size="3"><br/><u>Nicknames</u>: </font><font color="#333333" size="3"><font color="#333333" size="3">"The Filmbox IV", <font face="Arial" size="3">"Box and Filmstrips IV", "CGI Ladder", "The Ladder IV", "New Line Filmbox IV"<br/><br/></font></font></font><font color="#333333" size="3"><u>Logo</u>: A shortened version of the 1987 New Line Cinema logo, where it starts off with the logo dimming down to the glow behind the box and filmstrips. The text below reads "NEW LINE TELEVISION".</font><div><font color="#333333" size="3"><br/></font></div><div><font color="#333333" size="3"><u>Variant</u>: On the TV-movie<i>Father and Scout</i>, a still version appears.<br/><br/><u>FX/SFX</u>: Same as the movie logo.<br/><br/><u>Music/Sounds</u>: The closing theme to the program.<br/><br/><u>Availability</u>: Extinct. This appeared on </font><font color="#333333" size="3"><i>Court TV: Inside America's Courts </i>when it aired on WGN in 1994. It also appeared on the original ABC airing of the TV movie </font><font color="#333333" size="3"><i>Father and Scout</i>, but home media releases remove this (the DVD has the standard theatrical closing logo with AOL Time Warner byline).</font></div><div><font color="#333333" size="3"><br/><u>Editor's Note</u>: None.<br/><br/><br/><br/>5th Logo<br/>(1994-2008)<br/></font><div align="center"><font size="1"><img align="bottom" alt="New Line Television (1995)" height="127" src="http://image.wikifoundry.com/image/1/NTIBGvgCuUcANnu0cItu7Q13961/GW169H127" title="New Line Television (1995)" width="169"/><img align="bottom" alt="New Line Television Pay Per View (1995)" height="127" src="http://image.wikifoundry.com/image/1/k_XOsj4u7jRFcyv1g3ZDxA12191/GW169H127" title="New Line Television Pay Per View (1995)" width="169"/><img align="bottom" alt="New Line Television (1997)" height="127" src="http://image.wikifoundry.com/image/1/3qIrRiF5fneYT9iRCH8DAA16398/GW169H127" title="New Line Television (1997)" width="169"/><img align="bottom" alt="New Line Television" height="127" src="http://image.wikifoundry.com/image/1/ulo58ndIOxWMXq57rnjrvg16237/GW169H127" title="New Line Television" width="169"/><img align="bottom" alt="New Line TV Pay Per View: 1998" height="127" src="http://image.wikifoundry.com/image/1/xiFAhN6_8yTl7sEevwLANw24225/GW169H127" title="New Line TV Pay Per View: 1998" width="169"/></font><br/><font size="1"><img align="bottom" alt="New Line Television (2001)" height="127" src="http://image.wikifoundry.com/image/1/OhSdksMnkbFuUFXn8T4EEw7184/GW226H127" title="New Line Television (2001)" width="226"/><img align="bottom" alt="New Line Television (2002, RARE A)" height="127" src="http://image.wikifoundry.com/image/3/2333e5dc49fd6978e7acc651bb218e95/GW226H127" title="New Line Television (2002, RARE A)" width="226"/><img align="bottom" alt="New Line Television (2003-2004)" height="127" src="http://image.wikifoundry.com/image/3/DeAcU0eMjANmakYL-CDE6g80631/GW226H127" title="New Line Television (2003-2004)" width="226"/><img align="bottom" alt="NLTV: 2003-ws" height="127" src="http://image.wikifoundry.com/image/1/xbrm1j-Qron_-vskw6t9uQ17765/GW226H127" title="NLTV: 2003-ws" width="226"/></font><br/><font size="1"><img align="bottom" alt="New Line Television (bylineless)" height="127" src="http://image.wikifoundry.com/image/1/rKPV83gVWnoomS-JbqIOcQ29788/GW169H127" title="New Line Television (bylineless)" width="169"/></font><font size="1"><img align="bottom" alt="New Line Television (2004)" height="127" src="http://image.wikifoundry.com/image/1/gq4oAhfsGUh7ZNhgLNnlGA11737/GW169H127" title="New Line Television (2004)" width="169"/></font><br/><font size="1"><embed allowfullscreen="true" height="149" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/widget/youtubevideo/ff79488997f45526852808964aa71f3d8331bf39" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="179" wmode="transparent"/></font></div><font color="#333333" size="3"><br/><u>Nicknames</u>: "CGI Filmbox", "The Filmbox V", <font face="Arial" size="3">"Box and Filmstrips V", "CGI Ladder II", "The Ladder V", "New Line Filmbox V"<br/><br/></font></font><font color="#333333" size="3"><u>Logo</u>: It's the same movie logo as New Line </font><font color="#333333" size="3">Cinema. But this time, "<font face="Times">TELEVISION</font>" replaces the word "<font face="Times">CINEMA</font>" with a line separating the logo with the respective company byline underneath.<br/><br/></font><font color="#333333" size="3"><u>Bylines</u>: The company used different bylines:<br/></font><ul><li><font color="#333333" size="3"><font color="#333333" size="3">1994-1997: "A Turner Company"</font></font></li><li><font color="#333333" size="3"><font color="#333333" size="3">1997-2001: "A Time Warner Company"</font></font></li><li><font color="#333333" size="3"><font color="#333333" size="3">2001-2003: "<font face="Times">An AOL Time Warner Company</font>"</font></font></li><li><font color="#333333" size="3"><font color="#333333" size="3">2002?: The AOL Time Warner logo with an extra line below.</font></font></li><li><font color="#333333" size="3"><font color="#333333" size="3">2003: </font><font color="#333333" size="3">"<font face="Times">A Time Warner Company</font>"</font></font></li><li><font color="#333333" size="3"><font color="#333333" size="3">2003-2008: "A <font face="Times">TimeWarner</font> Company"</font></font></li></ul><font color="#333333" size="3"><font color="#333333" size="3"><br/></font></font><font color="#333333" size="3"><u>Variants</u>: There were different variations of the logo:<br/></font><ul><li><font color="#333333" size="3"><font color="#333333" size="3">The full animation of the movie logo but having the words "<font face="Times">NEW LINE TELEVISION</font>" instead. Sometimes, the animation is normal or sped-up.</font></font></li><li><font color="#333333" size="3"><font color="#333333" size="3">The font of the name may vary in size and/or may not be completely uppercase.</font></font></li><li><font color="#333333" size="3"><font color="#333333" size="3">In 1998, the line and the byline were shifted up a little underneath the name.</font></font></li><li><font color="#333333" size="3"><font color="#333333" size="3">On season 3 of <i>The Lost World</i>, the series used the 2001 New Line Cinema logo with the AOL Time Warner byline.</font></font></li><li><font color="#333333" size="3"><font color="#333333" size="3">On <i>Kitchen Confidential</i>, the logo is</font><font color="#333333" size="3"> bylineless.</font></font></li><li><font color="#333333" size="3"><font color="#333333" size="3">It's also referred to as "<font face="Times">NEW LINE TELEVISION PA</font></font><font color="#333333" size="3"><font face="Times">Y PER VIEW</font>" with "<font face="Times">PAY PER VIEW</font>" below. This text may or may not be in all-caps.</font></font></li></ul><font color="#333333" size="3"><font color="#333333" size="3"><br/></font></font><font color="#333333" size="3"><u>FX/SFX</u>: Just the light flashing or animating behind the logo, or the full animation of the current movie logo.<br/><br/></font><font color="#333333" face="Arial" size="3"><u>Music/Sounds</u></font><font color="#333333" size="3">: This is the list of logo themes as follows:<br/></font><ul><li><font color="#333333" size="3"><font color="#333333" size="3">1994-2008: The finishing of the end title theme from any show, TV movie, or silent.</font></font></li><li><font color="#333333" size="3"><font color="#333333" size="3">1997-2008: The last few notes from the movie version or the full theatrical version for some TV presentations.</font></font></li><li><font color="#333333" size="3"><font color="#333333" size="3">2001-2003: Same as above, but low-toned and re-arranged by synthesizers instead.</font></font></li><li><font color="#333333" size="3"><font color="#333333" size="3">2003: A synth theme.</font></font></li><li><font color="#333333" size="3"><font color="#333333" size="3">2003-2008: A battle styled theme using different notes from the previous theme with kettle drums.</font></font></li><li><font color="#333333" size="3"><font color="#333333" size="3">2005: An awkward short version using notes from the full movie logo.</font></font></li></ul><font color="#333333" size="3"><font color="#333333" size="3"><br/></font></font><font color="#333333" size="3"><u>Availability</u>: Uncommon.<br/></font><ul><li><font color="#333333" size="3">It's seen on <i>The Lost World</i>, <i>The Mask: The Animated Series</i>, <i>Blade: The Series</i>, <i>Masterminds</i>, the 2002 version of <i>The Twilight Zone</i>, and <i>Family Foreman</i>, among others.</font></li><li><font color="#333333" size="3">The New Line Television Pay Per View logos are extinct and were last seen on some New Line movies that aired on Starz, Encore, and pay-per-view.</font></li></ul><font color="#333333" size="3"><br/></font><font color="#333333" size="3"><u>Editor's Note</u>: None.<br/><br/></font><font color="#333333" size="3"><font size="3"><br/><br/></font></font><font size="3">6th Logo<br/>(</font><font size="3">March 31, 2016-</font><font size="3">January25,2017)<br/></font><font size="3"><br/><u>Nicknames</u>: "CGI Filmbox II", "The Filmbox VI", "Box and Filmstrips VI", "CGI Ladder III", "The Ladder VI", "New Line Filmbox VI"<br/><br/></font><font size="1"><font size="3"><font size="3"><u>Logo</u>: On a black background, we see a still image  of the 1994-2010 New Line Cinema logo (with the 2003 TimeWarner byline  fading in below it).</font></font></font><br/><font size="1"><iframe align="right" frameborder="0" height="167" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/widget/unknown/74ab5badc67bc05298b38f18c4bc1fb6f17d2304" width="296"></iframe></font><br/><font size="1"><font size="3"><font size="3"><u>Variant</u>: The logo is shown with the Ratpac Television logo on <i>Rush Hour</i>, and the 2003 Warner Bros. Television logo on <i>Hairspray Live!</i>.<br/><br/></font></font></font><font size="1"><font size="3"><font size="3"><u>FX/SFX</u>: The byline fading in.<br/><br/></font></font></font><font size="1"><font size="3"><font size="3"><u>Music/Sounds</u>: The closing theme of the program or none.<br/><br/></font></font></font><font size="1"><font size="3"><font size="3"><u>Availability</u>: Current.<br/></font></font></font><ul><li><font size="1"><font size="3"><font size="3">It first appeared (with the Ratpac Television logo) on the short-lived TV adaptation of <i>Rush Hour</i><i> </i>and also appeared on<i> </i><i>Hairspray Live!</i>.</font></font></font></li><li><font size="1"><font size="3"><font size="3">The stand-alone version can be seen on <i>Frequency</i>.</font></font></font></li></ul><font size="1"><font size="3"><font size="3"><br/></font></font></font><font size="1"><font size="3"><font size="3"><u>Editor's Note</u>: None.</font></font></font></div><br/></div>
<div class="WPC-editableContent" id="WPC-area?cellId=New+Line+Television&amp;version=201&amp;savePath=%2Fpage%2FNew%2BLine%2BTelevision&amp;saveType=page"><font color="#333333" size="3"><i><font color="#ffa500">Logo descriptions by</font> Shadeed A. Kelly, Eric S</i></font><font color="#333333" size="3"><i>.,</i></font><font color="#333333"> <i><font size="3">and Logophile<br/></font></i></font><font color="#333333" size="3"><i><font color="#ffa500">Logo captures by</font> Eric S., V of Doom, Logophile, Shadeed A. Kelly, Livin' and SomerHimpson<br/><font color="#ffa500">Editions by</font> V of Doom and Bob Fish<br/><font color="#ffa500">Video captures courtesy of</font> Eric S. and Pepsi9072</i><br/><br/><br/><u>Background</u>: New Line Television was the television production/distribution arm of [[New Line Cinema]]; first producing the <i>Motown Merry Christmas Special</i>, and continued with their own syndicated movie package. After that, it went on to producing and promoting the <i>Nightmare on Elm Street</i> franchise on television, specifically with the short-lived show <i>Freddy's Nightmare</i>s, but after the series was canceled in 1990, New Line officially launched its television unit in 1991 before being acquired by Turner Broadcasting System on January 28, 1994. Officially announced in October 2006, that [[MGM Television]] (owned by [[Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures|Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer]] under MGM Holdings Inc.) would be distributing New Line Television material and television broadcasts of New Line films.<font size="3"> On February 28, 2008, after New Line Cinema shut down as an independent studio under Time Warner (now "WarnerMedia"), it was made as a division of [[Warner Bros. Pictures]]. As of the matter, </font></font><font color="#333333" size="3"><font size="3">New Line Television was closed down. New Line Television was revived in 2016 to produce the TV adaptations of <i>Rush Hour</i> and<i> Frequency</i>. New Line's film catalog was previously distributed by <font color="#333333">[[Viacom (CBS)|Viacom Enterprises]]</font>.<br/><br/><br/></font></font><font color="#333333" size="3">1st Logo<br/>(1987-1994)</font><font size="1"><br/></font><div align="center"><font size="1">[[File:3917b4e52825a345f16027d56f506a5f.jpeg|233px|New Line Television (1992) A]][[File:127b2ae4f6613e552712703f19f63884.jpeg|233px|New Line Television (1992) B]]</font><br/><font color="#333333" size="1"><iframe frameborder="0" height="175" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/widget/genericvideo/9a51ced0595e256d33bc379eb9d0659f1640b16d" width="219"></iframe></font></div><font color="#333333" size="3"><br/><u>Nicknames</u>: "The Filmbox", "Box and Filmstrips", "New Line Filmbox", "The Ladder", "The Filmstrip", "Box and Filmstrips in a Filmstrip"<br/><br/></font><font color="#333333" size="3"><u>Logo</u>: On a starry background is a silver filmstrip. Inside is the Filmbox logo with "<font face="Times">NEW LINE CINEMA</font>" below. The logo is inside the several frames. The logo</font><font color="#333333" size="3"> eases back as the filmstrip scrolls down and eases in on one of the frames, where an orange sphere with a trail steaks in from right to left and causes the Filmbox to flip around once.<br/><br/><u>Trivia</u>: Originally, this was based on the opening for New Line Cinema's syndication movie and TV package, that aired from 1987 to 1994. It was later produced from RHI Entertainment in 1991.<br/><br/></font><font color="#333333" size="3"><u>FX/SFX</u>: The CGI filmstrip scrolling.<br/><br/><u>Music/Sounds</u>: A majestic synthesized fanfare with a chime section and a whoosh as the orange streak appears.<br/><br/><u>Availability</u>: Extinct.<br/></font><ul><li><font color="#333333" size="3">It appeared at the middle and the end of the <i>Motown Merry Christmas </i>special, which aired on NBC back in 1987.</font></li><li><font color="#333333" size="3">This also appeared on television broadcasts of </font><font color="#333333" size="3"><font color="#333333" size="3">several </font>New Line and non-New Line films in </font><font color="#333333" size="3"><font color="#333333" size="3">syndication.</font></font></li></ul><font color="#333333" size="3"><font color="#333333" size="3"><br/><u>Editor's Note</u>:</font> None.<br/><br/><br/><br/></font><font size="3">2nd Logo<br/></font><font color="#333333" size="3">(October 8, 1988-March 12, 1990)<br/></font><br/><font color="#333333" size="1">[[File:IgGMzhxaWpq o2qwwKoFRQ52604.png|233px|New Line Television (1988)]]</font><font color="#333333" size="3"><u>Nicknames</u>: "The Filmbox II", "Box and Filmstrips II", "The Ladder II", "New Line Filmbox II"<br/><br/></font><font color="#333333" size="3"><u>Logo</u>: It's the same logo as the movie version of New Line Cinema, but the animation is sped-up. The logo also has no television indicator whatsoever.<br/><br/></font><font color="#333333" size="3"><u>FX/SFX</u>: Same as the 1987 New Line Cinema logo.<br/><br/></font><font color="#333333" face="Arial" size="3"><u>Music/Sounds</u></font><font color="#333333" size="3">: Just the end-title theme playing over it.<br/><br/><u>Availability</u>: Rare. It's seen on <i>Freddy's Nightmares</i>.<br/><br/></font><font color="#333333" size="3"><u><font color="#333333" size="3"><font color="#333333" size="3"><u>Editor's Note</u></font></font></u><font color="#333333" size="3"><font color="#333333" size="3">:</font> None.</font><br/><br/><br/><br/></font><font color="#333333" size="3">3rd Logo<br/></font><font color="#333333" size="3">(1991?-1994)<br/></font><div align="center"><font color="#333333" size="1">[[File:UJcRmwClo3zl5W6whIhSvQ31492.jpeg|233px|New Line Television Distribution (A Division of RHI Entertainment)]]</font><font color="#333333" size="1"><embed allowfullscreen="true" height="175" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/widget/youtubevideo/351bd46735ef912ec64d53b0f20275b1b7c31aaf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="219" wmode="transparent"/></font></div><font color="#333333" size="3"><br/><u>Nicknames</u>: <font face="Arial" size="3">"The Filmbox III", </font><font face="Arial" size="3">"Box and Film</font></font><font color="#333333" size="3"><font face="Arial" size="3">strips III", "The Ladder III", "New Line Filmbox III", </font>"Chrome Ladder", "Chrome Filmstrip", "New Line Chrome Filmbox"<br/><br/><u>Logo</u>: On a black background we see a metallic filmstrip, then the camera rotates and the New line logo forms as it is being cut from the filmstrip. Then the words "<font color="#808080" face="Times">NEW LINE TELEVISION DISTRIBUTION</font>" on New Line's corporate font fades-in. Under it there's a line and a byline that reads "<font color="#808080">A Division of RHI Entertainment, Inc.</font>".<br/><br/><u>Trivia</u>: </font><font color="#333333" size="3">This logo was used during the time New Line Cinema owned 55% of [[RHI Entertainment Inc.|RHI Entertainment]] in 1991.<br/><br/></font><font color="#333333" size="3"><u>FX/SFX</u>: The filmstrip rolling, and the ladders forming the logo.<br/><br/></font><font color="#333333" face="Arial" size="3"><u>Music/Sounds</u></font><font color="#333333" size="3">: The second part of the RHI fanfare theme from the era.<br/><br/><u>Availability</u>: Extremely rare. This was found on an RHI reprint of the movie<i> In the Line of Duty</i>.<br/><br/><u>Editor's Note</u>: None.</font><font color="#333333" size="3"><br/><br/><br/><br/>4th Logo</font><font color="#333333" size="3"><br/>(1993?-1994)<br/></font><div align="center"><font size="1">[[File:1b6d89d717054e94c0d489ce84b34471.png|225px|New Line Television (1994)]]<iframe frameborder="0" height="175" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/widget/genericvideo/21f110a3bf6b8d2eb99d101af9bc459c5602c3d2" width="219"></iframe></font></div><font color="#333333" size="3"><br/><u>Nicknames</u>: </font><font color="#333333" size="3"><font color="#333333" size="3">"The Filmbox IV", <font face="Arial" size="3">"Box and Filmstrips IV", "CGI Ladder", "The Ladder IV", "New Line Filmbox IV"<br/><br/></font></font></font><font color="#333333" size="3"><u>Logo</u>: A shortened version of the 1987 New Line Cinema logo, where it starts off with the logo dimming down to the glow behind the box and filmstrips. The text below reads "NEW LINE TELEVISION".</font><div><font color="#333333" size="3"><br/></font></div><div><font color="#333333" size="3"><u>Variant</u>: On the TV-movie<i>Father and Scout</i>, a still version appears.<br/><br/><u>FX/SFX</u>: Same as the movie logo.<br/><br/><u>Music/Sounds</u>: The closing theme to the program.<br/><br/><u>Availability</u>: Extinct. This appeared on </font><font color="#333333" size="3"><i>Court TV: Inside America's Courts </i>when it aired on WGN in 1994. It also appeared on the original ABC airing of the TV movie </font><font color="#333333" size="3"><i>Father and Scout</i>, but home media releases remove this (the DVD has the standard theatrical closing logo with AOL Time Warner byline).</font></div><div><font color="#333333" size="3"><br/><u>Editor's Note</u>: None.<br/><br/><br/><br/>5th Logo<br/>(1994-2008)<br/></font><div align="center"><font size="1">[[File:NTIBGvgCuUcANnu0cItu7Q13961.jpeg|169px|New Line Television (1995)]][[File:K XOsj4u7jRFcyv1g3ZDxA12191.jpeg|169px|New Line Television Pay Per View (1995)]][[File:3qIrRiF5fneYT9iRCH8DAA16398.jpeg|169px|New Line Television (1997)]][[File:Ulo58ndIOxWMXq57rnjrvg16237.jpeg|169px|New Line Television]][[File:XiFAhN6 8yTl7sEevwLANw24225.jpeg|169px|New Line TV Pay Per View: 1998]]</font><br/><font size="1">[[File:OhSdksMnkbFuUFXn8T4EEw7184.jpeg|226px|New Line Television (2001)]][[File:2333e5dc49fd6978e7acc651bb218e95.jpeg|226px|New Line Television (2002, RARE A)]][[File:DeAcU0eMjANmakYL-CDE6g80631.png|226px|New Line Television (2003-2004)]][[File:Xbrm1j-Qron -vskw6t9uQ17765.jpeg|226px|NLTV: 2003-ws]]</font><br/><font size="1">[[File:RKPV83gVWnoomS-JbqIOcQ29788.jpeg|169px|New Line Television (bylineless)]]</font><font size="1">[[File:Gq4oAhfsGUh7ZNhgLNnlGA11737.jpeg|169px|New Line Television (2004)]]</font><br/><font size="1"><embed allowfullscreen="true" height="149" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/widget/youtubevideo/ff79488997f45526852808964aa71f3d8331bf39" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="179" wmode="transparent"/></font></div><font color="#333333" size="3"><br/><u>Nicknames</u>: "CGI Filmbox", "The Filmbox V", <font face="Arial" size="3">"Box and Filmstrips V", "CGI Ladder II", "The Ladder V", "New Line Filmbox V"<br/><br/></font></font><font color="#333333" size="3"><u>Logo</u>: It's the same movie logo as New Line </font><font color="#333333" size="3">Cinema. But this time, "<font face="Times">TELEVISION</font>" replaces the word "<font face="Times">CINEMA</font>" with a line separating the logo with the respective company byline underneath.<br/><br/></font><font color="#333333" size="3"><u>Bylines</u>: The company used different bylines:<br/></font><ul><li><font color="#333333" size="3"><font color="#333333" size="3">1994-1997: "A Turner Company"</font></font></li><li><font color="#333333" size="3"><font color="#333333" size="3">1997-2001: "A Time Warner Company"</font></font></li><li><font color="#333333" size="3"><font color="#333333" size="3">2001-2003: "<font face="Times">An AOL Time Warner Company</font>"</font></font></li><li><font color="#333333" size="3"><font color="#333333" size="3">2002?: The AOL Time Warner logo with an extra line below.</font></font></li><li><font color="#333333" size="3"><font color="#333333" size="3">2003: </font><font color="#333333" size="3">"<font face="Times">A Time Warner Company</font>"</font></font></li><li><font color="#333333" size="3"><font color="#333333" size="3">2003-2008: "A <font face="Times">TimeWarner</font> Company"</font></font></li></ul><font color="#333333" size="3"><font color="#333333" size="3"><br/></font></font><font color="#333333" size="3"><u>Variants</u>: There were different variations of the logo:<br/></font><ul><li><font color="#333333" size="3"><font color="#333333" size="3">The full animation of the movie logo but having the words "<font face="Times">NEW LINE TELEVISION</font>" instead. Sometimes, the animation is normal or sped-up.</font></font></li><li><font color="#333333" size="3"><font color="#333333" size="3">The font of the name may vary in size and/or may not be completely uppercase.</font></font></li><li><font color="#333333" size="3"><font color="#333333" size="3">In 1998, the line and the byline were shifted up a little underneath the name.</font></font></li><li><font color="#333333" size="3"><font color="#333333" size="3">On season 3 of <i>The Lost World</i>, the series used the 2001 New Line Cinema logo with the AOL Time Warner byline.</font></font></li><li><font color="#333333" size="3"><font color="#333333" size="3">On <i>Kitchen Confidential</i>, the logo is</font><font color="#333333" size="3"> bylineless.</font></font></li><li><font color="#333333" size="3"><font color="#333333" size="3">It's also referred to as "<font face="Times">NEW LINE TELEVISION PA</font></font><font color="#333333" size="3"><font face="Times">Y PER VIEW</font>" with "<font face="Times">PAY PER VIEW</font>" below. This text may or may not be in all-caps.</font></font></li></ul><font color="#333333" size="3"><font color="#333333" size="3"><br/></font></font><font color="#333333" size="3"><u>FX/SFX</u>: Just the light flashing or animating behind the logo, or the full animation of the current movie logo.<br/><br/></font><font color="#333333" face="Arial" size="3"><u>Music/Sounds</u></font><font color="#333333" size="3">: This is the list of logo themes as follows:<br/></font><ul><li><font color="#333333" size="3"><font color="#333333" size="3">1994-2008: The finishing of the end title theme from any show, TV movie, or silent.</font></font></li><li><font color="#333333" size="3"><font color="#333333" size="3">1997-2008: The last few notes from the movie version or the full theatrical version for some TV presentations.</font></font></li><li><font color="#333333" size="3"><font color="#333333" size="3">2001-2003: Same as above, but low-toned and re-arranged by synthesizers instead.</font></font></li><li><font color="#333333" size="3"><font color="#333333" size="3">2003: A synth theme.</font></font></li><li><font color="#333333" size="3"><font color="#333333" size="3">2003-2008: A battle styled theme using different notes from the previous theme with kettle drums.</font></font></li><li><font color="#333333" size="3"><font color="#333333" size="3">2005: An awkward short version using notes from the full movie logo.</font></font></li></ul><font color="#333333" size="3"><font color="#333333" size="3"><br/></font></font><font color="#333333" size="3"><u>Availability</u>: Uncommon.<br/></font><ul><li><font color="#333333" size="3">It's seen on <i>The Lost World</i>, <i>The Mask: The Animated Series</i>, <i>Blade: The Series</i>, <i>Masterminds</i>, the 2002 version of <i>The Twilight Zone</i>, and <i>Family Foreman</i>, among others.</font></li><li><font color="#333333" size="3">The New Line Television Pay Per View logos are extinct and were last seen on some New Line movies that aired on Starz, Encore, and pay-per-view.</font></li></ul><font color="#333333" size="3"><br/></font><font color="#333333" size="3"><u>Editor's Note</u>: None.<br/><br/></font><font color="#333333" size="3"><font size="3"><br/><br/></font></font><font size="3">6th Logo<br/>(</font><font size="3">March 31, 2016-</font><font size="3">January25,2017)<br/></font><font size="3"><br/><u>Nicknames</u>: "CGI Filmbox II", "The Filmbox VI", "Box and Filmstrips VI", "CGI Ladder III", "The Ladder VI", "New Line Filmbox VI"<br/><br/></font><font size="1"><font size="3"><font size="3"><u>Logo</u>: On a black background, we see a still image  of the 1994-2010 New Line Cinema logo (with the 2003 TimeWarner byline  fading in below it).</font></font></font><br/><font size="1"><iframe align="right" frameborder="0" height="167" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/widget/unknown/74ab5badc67bc05298b38f18c4bc1fb6f17d2304" width="296"></iframe></font><br/><font size="1"><font size="3"><font size="3"><u>Variant</u>: The logo is shown with the Ratpac Television logo on <i>Rush Hour</i>, and the 2003 Warner Bros. Television logo on <i>Hairspray Live!</i>.<br/><br/></font></font></font><font size="1"><font size="3"><font size="3"><u>FX/SFX</u>: The byline fading in.<br/><br/></font></font></font><font size="1"><font size="3"><font size="3"><u>Music/Sounds</u>: The closing theme of the program or none.<br/><br/></font></font></font><font size="1"><font size="3"><font size="3"><u>Availability</u>: Current.<br/></font></font></font><ul><li><font size="1"><font size="3"><font size="3">It first appeared (with the Ratpac Television logo) on the short-lived TV adaptation of <i>Rush Hour</i><i> </i>and also appeared on<i> </i><i>Hairspray Live!</i>.</font></font></font></li><li><font size="1"><font size="3"><font size="3">The stand-alone version can be seen on <i>Frequency</i>.</font></font></font></li></ul><font size="1"><font size="3"><font size="3"><br/></font></font></font><font size="1"><font size="3"><font size="3"><u>Editor's Note</u>: None.</font></font></font></div><br/></div>

Latest revision as of 16:32, 3 November 2020

Logo descriptions by Shadeed A. Kelly, Eric S., and Logophile
Logo captures by Eric S., V of Doom, Logophile, Shadeed A. Kelly, Livin' and SomerHimpson
Editions by V of Doom and Bob Fish
Video captures courtesy of Eric S. and Pepsi9072

Background: New Line Television was the television production/distribution arm of New Line Cinema; first producing the Motown Merry Christmas Special, and continued with their own syndicated movie package. After that, it went on to producing and promoting the Nightmare on Elm Street franchise on television, specifically with the short-lived show Freddy's Nightmares, but after the series was canceled in 1990, New Line officially launched its television unit in 1991 before being acquired by Turner Broadcasting System on January 28, 1994. Officially announced in October 2006, that MGM Television (owned by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer under MGM Holdings Inc.) would be distributing New Line Television material and television broadcasts of New Line films. On February 28, 2008, after New Line Cinema shut down as an independent studio under Time Warner (now "WarnerMedia"), it was made as a division of Warner Bros. Pictures. As of the matter,
New Line Television was closed down. New Line Television was revived in 2016 to produce the TV adaptations of Rush Hour and Frequency. New Line's film catalog was previously distributed by Viacom Enterprises.

1st Logo

Nicknames: "The Filmbox", "Box and Filmstrips", "New Line Filmbox", "The Ladder", "The Filmstrip", "Box and Filmstrips in a Filmstrip"

Logo: On a starry background is a silver filmstrip. Inside is the Filmbox logo with "NEW LINE CINEMA" below. The logo is inside the several frames. The logo eases back as the filmstrip scrolls down and eases in on one of the frames, where an orange sphere with a trail steaks in from right to left and causes the Filmbox to flip around once.

Trivia: Originally, this was based on the opening for New Line Cinema's syndication movie and TV package, that aired from 1987 to 1994. It was later produced from RHI Entertainment in 1991.

FX/SFX: The CGI filmstrip scrolling.

Music/Sounds: A majestic synthesized fanfare with a chime section and a whoosh as the orange streak appears.

Availability: Extinct.
  • It appeared at the middle and the end of the Motown Merry Christmas special, which aired on NBC back in 1987.
  • This also appeared on television broadcasts of several New Line and non-New Line films in syndication.

Editor's Note:

2nd Logo
(October 8, 1988-March 12, 1990)

New Line Television (1988)Nicknames: "The Filmbox II", "Box and Filmstrips II", "The Ladder II", "New Line Filmbox II"

Logo: It's the same logo as the movie version of New Line Cinema, but the animation is sped-up. The logo also has no television indicator whatsoever.

FX/SFX: Same as the 1987 New Line Cinema logo.

Music/Sounds: Just the end-title theme playing over it.

Availability: Rare. It's seen on Freddy's Nightmares.

Editor's Note: None.

3rd Logo
New Line Television Distribution (A Division of RHI Entertainment)<embed allowfullscreen="true" height="175" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/widget/youtubevideo/351bd46735ef912ec64d53b0f20275b1b7c31aaf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="219" wmode="transparent"/>

Nicknames: "The Filmbox III", "Box and Film
strips III", "The Ladder III", "New Line Filmbox III", "Chrome Ladder", "Chrome Filmstrip", "New Line Chrome Filmbox"

Logo: On a black background we see a metallic filmstrip, then the camera rotates and the New line logo forms as it is being cut from the filmstrip. Then the words "NEW LINE TELEVISION DISTRIBUTION" on New Line's corporate font fades-in. Under it there's a line and a byline that reads "A Division of RHI Entertainment, Inc.".

This logo was used during the time New Line Cinema owned 55% of RHI Entertainment in 1991.

FX/SFX: The filmstrip rolling, and the ladders forming the logo.

Music/Sounds: The second part of the RHI fanfare theme from the era.

Availability: Extremely rare. This was found on an RHI reprint of the movie In the Line of Duty.

Editor's Note: None.

4th Logo


"The Filmbox IV", "Box and Filmstrips IV", "CGI Ladder", "The Ladder IV", "New Line Filmbox IV"

Logo: A shortened version of the 1987 New Line Cinema logo, where it starts off with the logo dimming down to the glow behind the box and filmstrips. The text below reads "NEW LINE TELEVISION".

Variant: On the TV-movieFather and Scout, a still version appears.

FX/SFX: Same as the movie logo.

Music/Sounds: The closing theme to the program.

Availability: Extinct. This appeared on
Court TV: Inside America's Courts when it aired on WGN in 1994. It also appeared on the original ABC airing of the TV movie Father and Scout, but home media releases remove this (the DVD has the standard theatrical closing logo with AOL Time Warner byline).

Editor's Note: None.

5th Logo
New Line Television (1995)New Line Television Pay Per View (1995)New Line Television (1997)New Line TelevisionNew Line TV Pay Per View: 1998
New Line Television (2001)New Line Television (2002, RARE A)New Line Television (2003-2004)NLTV: 2003-ws
New Line Television (bylineless)New Line Television (2004)
<embed allowfullscreen="true" height="149" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/widget/youtubevideo/ff79488997f45526852808964aa71f3d8331bf39" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="179" wmode="transparent"/>

Nicknames: "CGI Filmbox", "The Filmbox V", "Box and Filmstrips V", "CGI Ladder II", "The Ladder V", "New Line Filmbox V"

Logo: It's the same movie logo as New Line Cinema. But this time, "TELEVISION" replaces the word "CINEMA" with a line separating the logo with the respective company byline underneath.

Bylines: The company used different bylines:
  • 1994-1997: "A Turner Company"
  • 1997-2001: "A Time Warner Company"
  • 2001-2003: "An AOL Time Warner Company"
  • 2002?: The AOL Time Warner logo with an extra line below.
  • 2003: "A Time Warner Company"
  • 2003-2008: "A TimeWarner Company"

Variants: There were different variations of the logo:
  • The full animation of the movie logo but having the words "NEW LINE TELEVISION" instead. Sometimes, the animation is normal or sped-up.
  • The font of the name may vary in size and/or may not be completely uppercase.
  • In 1998, the line and the byline were shifted up a little underneath the name.
  • On season 3 of The Lost World, the series used the 2001 New Line Cinema logo with the AOL Time Warner byline.
  • On Kitchen Confidential, the logo is bylineless.
  • It's also referred to as "NEW LINE TELEVISION PAY PER VIEW" with "PAY PER VIEW" below. This text may or may not be in all-caps.

FX/SFX: Just the light flashing or animating behind the logo, or the full animation of the current movie logo.

Music/Sounds: This is the list of logo themes as follows:
  • 1994-2008: The finishing of the end title theme from any show, TV movie, or silent.
  • 1997-2008: The last few notes from the movie version or the full theatrical version for some TV presentations.
  • 2001-2003: Same as above, but low-toned and re-arranged by synthesizers instead.
  • 2003: A synth theme.
  • 2003-2008: A battle styled theme using different notes from the previous theme with kettle drums.
  • 2005: An awkward short version using notes from the full movie logo.

Availability: Uncommon.
  • It's seen on The Lost World, The Mask: The Animated Series, Blade: The Series, Masterminds, the 2002 version of The Twilight Zone, and Family Foreman, among others.
  • The New Line Television Pay Per View logos are extinct and were last seen on some New Line movies that aired on Starz, Encore, and pay-per-view.

Editor's Note: None.

6th Logo
March 31, 2016-January25,2017)

Nicknames: "CGI Filmbox II", "The Filmbox VI", "Box and Filmstrips VI", "CGI Ladder III", "The Ladder VI", "New Line Filmbox VI"

Logo: On a black background, we see a still image of the 1994-2010 New Line Cinema logo (with the 2003 TimeWarner byline fading in below it).
<iframe align="right" frameborder="0" height="167" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/widget/unknown/74ab5badc67bc05298b38f18c4bc1fb6f17d2304" width="296"></iframe>
Variant: The logo is shown with the Ratpac Television logo on Rush Hour, and the 2003 Warner Bros. Television logo on Hairspray Live!.

FX/SFX: The byline fading in.

Music/Sounds: The closing theme of the program or none.

Availability: Current.
  • It first appeared (with the Ratpac Television logo) on the short-lived TV adaptation of Rush Hour and also appeared on Hairspray Live!.
  • The stand-alone version can be seen on Frequency.

Editor's Note: None.