Film Polski Export & Import of Films Ltd. (Poland)

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Logo descriptions by SnowflakesOmega and Thisisanswer

Film Polski Export & Import of Films Ltd.

1st Logo

Nicknames: "FP", "Into The Darkness"

<iframe align="right" frameborder="0" height="207" src="" width="275"></iframe>
Logo: On a dark blood red background, the Film Polski logo, which is a sans-serif "F" in white, while coupled with an red curve, forming a "P", spins around. "FILM POLSKI" (in the corporate font) and "EXPORT & IMPORT of FILMS Ltd." suddenly fade in between the spinning logo, as it stops in the center of the screen. A black square appears briefly before the whole logo fades, in which "PRESENTS" then fades in.

FX/SFX: The spinning logo, the words fading in.

Music/Sounds: An distorted descending electric piano theme when the logo is spinning, before going to a kinda ascending version of the theme.

Availability: Extremely rare. This can be seen on Polish VHS prints of Manson International films, among other releases. These tapes usually have the logo in the corner on the box.

Editor's Note: Poor animation, but compared to other logos at the time, it's a lot smoother and cleaner when compared to a few others, especially Videotronic and Gaby International. The keyboard theme may also be seen as somewhat creepy.

Film Polski Vision

2nd Logo

Nicknames: "FPV", "Cheesy FPV"

Logo: On a blue background, a grey rectangle with "F" in the same font as before flies in. This is followed by 2 more rectangles with "P" and "V" in a similar manner. After they come into the screen, the logo, which is the previous logo, but in black and a "V" on the side, flies in and take up the whole screen. The logo has a drop shadow and has "FILM POLSKI VISION" below it. It then transitions to the blue background by an rectangle.

FX/SFX: The sections flying in, the logo warping in.

Music/Sounds: An triumphant fanfare with bells at the beginning.

Availability: Very rare. The tapes have the logo in the corner, as well as being surrounded by a white box.

Editor's Note: It reeks of cheap computer effects and you can see the logo before it comes in (at least, a small corner).

3rd Logo

Nicknames: "FPV II", "FPV From Heaven"
Logo: On a black background, a red curve is drawn in by a light. The curve then shifts a bit while zooming out as a marble background forms via sliding bars and the "F" and "V" from before slide in from both sides of the screen, forming the logo. The logo then zooms out and the text "FILM POLSKI VISION LTD" zoom in, as well as contacts and a address. The words then scroll up to reveal a warning screen.

FX/SFX: The curve drawing and shifting, the background and logo forming.
Music/Sounds: An drumroll is heard at first, which is then followed by an piano theme.

Availability: Rare. It's not that easy to find unlike the logo from before, but these tapes don't have the logo in the corner, but usually on a designated place.
Editor's Note:Improved CGI compared to the previous logo, even if the rest of the animation is kinda choppy.