Ergo Home Video

From Closing Logos
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Logo descriptions by Codyfinke6
Photos by Eric S.

(1980- )

Ergo Home Video

Nickname: "The Ergo Bird"

Logo: We start out on a black BG when we see this logo fade in, that is:

MEDIA -----------INC.

Above the text is a goose flying (looking like a stork) and are lines throughout the logo. A sunrise appears then. Then, "Home Video" appears below the logo in a "wiping" effect. Then, it turns into a series of horizontal lines shooting out in the distance, waving very fast. Then it fades to black, and a copyright notice appears on the screen.

FX/SFX: The wiping effects, the fadings.

Music/Sounds: A calm synth fanfare.

Availability: Seen on tapes released by Ergo Media Home Video, mainly Jewish movies.

Editor's Note: None.