Eagle 6 Video (Netherlands)

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Logo captures by Eric S.
Video courtesy of moskameijer

Eagle 6 Video (Netherlands) - CLG Wiki
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Nickname: "The Eagle"

Logo: We see live-action footage of a bald eagle flying against the morning sky. Next, it cuts to a shot of the eagle landing on what appears to be a mountain in the southwestern United States. After that comes a close-up shot of the eagle, then a close-up of the eagle's head. Throughout the footage, we see "Eagle 6", in a fancy font, and in two hexagons, zooming in. This uses the same footage as the 1st logo of American National Enterprises.

FX/Cheesy Factor: The zooming logo over the live-action footage.

Music/Sounds: An uplifting orchestral tune that sounds like something off an '80s news program. This tune can also be heard at the warning screen.

Availability: On old Dutch PAL tapes from the 1980s.

Scare Factor: Low.