ERT3 (Greece)

From Closing Logos
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Logo descriptions by Thisisanswer

Background: ERT3 is the 3rd channel of ERT. It was launched in 1988 when public radio and TV services were fused. It became abolished in 2013 with all of ERT during a money saving cut. It was officially back on the air on June 11, 2015 with all of ERT.

1st Logo

Logo: On a black background, pieces of a map with yellow land and blue sea slide in from all sides of the screen. Once it is fully compete, many silver and gold pieces fly from the completed map. We zoom up from the map to a bluegradient background with the pieces spinning all around. Later, they all settle in the middle of the screen, connecting together to make a sharp angled "ET" in silver with a gold 3 and clear parts in it. Finished up, it shines and turns to an angle, revealing the 3 is much thicker than the letters.

FX/SFX: The pieces of the map and logo coming together, the background change, the logo turning and shining.

Music/Sounds: An very distorted patriotic theme made with a synthesized trumpet.

Availability: Extinct.

Editor's Note: None.

2nd Logo

Logo: On ablackbackground with a fuzzy teal stripe in the middle, silver shapes come in from all sides, forming the "ET" from before. Gold pieces then fly in to form the 3, then the logo tilts to a angle.

FX/SFX: The pieces coming together.

Music/Sounds: An synthesized trumpet fanfare, which is taken from the news theme at the time.

Availability: Extinct.

Editor's Note: None.