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<div class="WPC-editableContent" id="WPC-area?cellId=Columbia+TriStar+International+Television&amp;version=114&amp;savePath=%2Fpage%2FColumbia%2BTriStar%2BInternational%2BTelevision&amp;saveType=page"><font color="#333333" size="3"><i><font color="#ffa500">Logo descriptions by</font> Shadeed A. Kelly<br/></i><i><font color="#ffa500">Logo captures by</font> wolfie14, Shadeed A. Kelly, Eric S., V of Doom, </i></font><font color="#333333" size="3"><i><font color="#333333" size="3"><i>and ClosingLogosHD</i></font></i><br/></font><font color="#333333" size="3"><i><font color="#ffa500">Editions by</font> wolfie14, </i></font><font color="#333333" size="3">Shadeed A. Kelly, Eric S., userjt, CuriousGeorge60, and V of Doom<br/><i><font color="#ffa500">Video captures courtesy of</font> Eric S.<font size="3">,</font> JohnnyL80, PluMGMK, </i></font><font color="#333333" size="3"><i><font color="#333333" size="3"><i>and ClosingLogosHD</i></font></i><br/><br/><br/><u>Background</u>: Sony Pictures Entertainment and <font color="#333333">[[TriStar Television]] president J<font size="3">on Feltheimer merged </font>its international television arm Colu<font size="3">mbia Pictures International Television with TriStar Television to become</font> Columbia TriStar International Television in 1992 to distribute all its shows and the Columbia TriStar films around the world, reincorporated as [[Sony Pictures Television International]] (now "[[Sony Pictures Television|Sony Pictures ]]<font size="3">[[Sony Pictures Television|Television]]") </font>on September 16, 2002.<br/><br/><br/>1st Logo<br/>(1993-1999)</font><br/><div align="center"> </div><u> </u></font><font color="#333333" size="3"><div align="center"> <font size="1"><img align="bottom" alt="Columbia TriStar International Television (1995)" height="187" src="http://image.wikifoundry.com/image/0/eUXI53VT6NhxcaqXKpxdaw421246/GW253H187" title="Columbia TriStar International Television (1995)" width="253"/><iframe frameborder="0" height="186" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/widget/unknown/d093ba3aa31fc52f779d151a4421aa8e5b2e9884" width="331"></iframe><br/></font></div><div align="center"></div></font><font color="#333333" size="3"><div align="center"> </div></font><div><font color="#333333" size="3"><u>Nicknames</u>: "CT Boxes", "CGI Boxes"</font><font color="#333333" size="3"><br/></font></div><div><font color="#333333" size="3"><br/></font></div><div></div><font color="#333333" size="3"><u>Logo</u>: Same as the </font><font size="3">[[Sony Pictures Home Entertainment|Columbia TriStar Home Video]] of the time, except “</font><b><font size="3"><font color="#ffee00">HOME VIDEO</font></font></b><font color="#333333" size="3">”<font color="#ffffff"><font color="#333333"> is changed to the stacked</font></font></font><font size="3"> words “</font><font color="#ffee00"><font size="3"><b>INTERNATIONAL TELEVISION</b></font></font><font size="3">”.<br/></font><font size="3"><br/><u>FX/SFX</u>: Same as the 1993 CTHV logo.<br/></font> <div align="center"> </div><font size="3"> <br/></font><font face="Arial" size="3"><u>Music/Sounds</u></font><font size="3">:</font><font size="3"> Same as the 1993 CTHV logo.</font><br/><font size="3"><u><br/></u><u>Availability</u>: Extinct. This was last seen on a few <i>Three Stooges</i> shorts from <i>Stooge TV</i> on The Family Channel from 1995-1998. Also seen at the end of a sizzle reel of <i>Headline Chasers</i>.<br/><u><br/>Editor's Note</u>: None.</font><div align="center"> </div><font size="3"><br/><br/><br/>2nd Logo<br/>(1996-2001)<br/></font> <div align="center"> <font color="#333333" size="1"><img align="bottom" alt="Columbia TriStar International Television (1996)" height="196" src="http://image.wikifoundry.com/image/1/hnvCoTVWFdrO94B1mKTGaw18266/GW263H196" title="Columbia TriStar International Television (1996)" width="263"/></font><font color="#333333" size="1"><img align="bottom" alt="Columbia TriStar International Television (1998)" height="196" src="http://image.wikifoundry.com/image/3/46657bd3a23280345c711e892725d2d3/GW260H196" title="Columbia TriStar International Television (1998)" width="260"/><br/><embed height="196" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/page/Columbia+TriStar+International+Television/widget/unknown/-1958152617" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="236" wmode="transparent"/></font></div><br/><font size="3"><u>Nicknames</u>: "Logos Up-Close", "Lighting Up Screens Around the World", "Side-By-Side Logo"<br/><br/></font> <div align="center"> </div><font size="3"><u>Logo</u>: On the background of the 1993 Columbia Pictures logo, we see a still shot of the Torch Lady on the left with her cloud behind her and the TriStar Pegasus (in its similar style from the 1993 TriStar Pictures logo), on the right without a cloud. We would see the animation of the TriStar Pegasus unfolding his wings just like the 1993 theatrical logo. Above them panning back says “COLUMBIA TRISTAR INTERNATIONAL TELEVISION” above the Torch Lady and the Pegasus. Below the waist of the Torch Lady underlined says “<font face="Times"><u>LIGHTING UP SCREENS</u></font>”. Below shifted on the right says “<font face="Times">AROUND THE</font>” and underneath says “<font face="Times"><u>WO</u>RLD</font>” in a huge font with the planet Earth rotating, panning back into the rings to represent the letter “O” all in gold and the remaining lettering in Trajan Pro font. The logo appears:  <br/><br/></font> <div align="center"> </div> <div align="center"> <font size="3">COLUMBIA TRISTAR INTERNATIONAL TELEVISION<br/><br/></font></div> <div align="center"> <font face="Times" size="4"><u>LIGHTING UP SCREENS</u><font color="#ffffff" face="Arial" size="1">-------</font></font><br/><font color="#ffffff" size="1">--------------------------------</font><font face="Times">AROUND THE</font><br/><font face="Times" size="7"><u>WO</u>RLD</font> </div><font size="3"> <br/><u>FX/SFX</u>: The name and globe panning back. Very nice animation.<br/></font> <div align="center"> </div><font size="3"><br/></font><font face="Arial" size="3"><u>Music/Sounds</u></font><font size="3">: The shortened or the long version of the Columbia TriStar Television Distribution theme.<br/><br/><u>Availability</u>: </font><font size="3"><font size="3">Extremely rare</font>. Seen on any Sony series across the globe. The version with the short jingle was recently spotted on some episodes of the show <i>AXN</i> on the Spanish channel TeleXitos.<br/><br/><u>Editor's Note</u>: None.<br/><br/><br/><br/></font><font color="#333333" size="3"><font color="#ffffff"><font color="#333333">3rd Logo<br/>(1997-2002)</font><br/></font><div align="center"><font color="#ffffff"> </font><font size="1"><img align="bottom" alt="Columbia TriStar International Television (1997)" height="195" src="http://image.wikifoundry.com/image/1/fxEXlQVXeDLuWyMlfJJWHw19439/GW261H195" title="Columbia TriStar International Television (1997)" width="261"/><img align="bottom" alt="Columbia TriStar International Television 1997 (4:3 Stretched)" height="194" src="http://image.wikifoundry.com/image/3/b8ebb831696b204a393a7ab9be219039/GW352H194" title="Columbia TriStar International Television 1997 (4:3 Stretched)" width="352"/><br/></font><img align="bottom" alt="Columbia Tristar International Television Brasil (1999) #2" height="189" src="http://image.wikifoundry.com/image/3/5a54510d4fa012200d34744c2ef4b6ec/GW243H189" title="Columbia Tristar International Television Brasil (1999) #2" width="243"/><font color="#333333" size="3"><font size="1"><iframe frameborder="0" height="195" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/widget/unknown/6d3b54de23a20e0f8a1f98a54205186e8a7a4d9b" width="340"></iframe></font></font></div></font><font size="3"><u> <br/>Nicknames</u>: </font><font size="3">"CT Boxes II", </font><font size="3">"The Filmstrip", "The C-T Filmstrip"</font><br/><font size="3"><br/></font><font size="3"><u>Logo</u>: It's the same as the 1997 CTHV logo, except the stacked words, "<b>INTERNATIONAL TELEVISION</b>" replaces "<b>HOME VIDEO</b>" and the words "Columbia Tristar" and "International Television" </font><font size="3">are shown in the middle sliding in slowly from the left and right of the screen respectively as the logo animates. In the middle is a black rounded code-out box with the white word "Columbia" which then changes intro "Tristar". Then the words disappear before the logo forms.</font><div><font size="3"><br/></font></div><div><font size="3"><u>Variants:</u> </font></div><ul><li><font size="3">A stretched 16:9 variant exists on widescreen programs.</font></li><li><font size="3">a Brazilian version exists on the Brazilian version of <i>Married... With Children</i>, titled <i>A Guerra Dos Pintos</i>, the text "<b>BRASIL</b>" (which<font size="3">is in a different font), appears below "<b>INTERNATIONAL TELEVISION</b>",making it "<b>COLUMBIA TRISTAR INTERNATIONAL TELEVISION BRASIL</b>". Also, "<b>INTERNATIONAL TELEVISION</b>" are not stacked to make room for "</font><font size="3"><b>BRASIL</b></font><font size="3">" underneath.</font></font></li></ul><font size="3"><font size="3"><br/></font><font size="3"><u>FX/SFX</u>: Same as the 1997 CTHV logo.<br/><br/><u>Music/Sounds</u>: The same Madchester beat </font><font size="3">from the 1997 CTHV logo</font><font size="3">.<u><br/><br/>Availability</u>: Extremely rare.<font size="3"><font size="3"><br/></font></font></font></font><ul><li><font size="3">Respectively seen on <i>Men in Black: The Series</i> outside the USA.</font></li><li><font size="3">It was also seen on German prints of <i>Powder Park</i>, followed by the SPT logo.</font></li><li><font size="3">It was also seen on the UK version of <i>As If</i>.</font></li><li><font size="3">It may have also been spotted on <i>Channel Umptee-3</i> among other programs.</font></li></ul><div><br/><font size="3"><u>Editor's Note</u>:</font><font size="3"> None.</font><font size="3"><br/><br/><br/><br/></font><font size="3">4th Logo</font><font size="3"><br/></font><font size="3">(1997-2000?)</font></div><div><br/><font size="3"><u>Nicknames</u>: "CT Boxes III", "The Light Blue Outline Boxes", "CT Print Boxes"</font><br/><font size="3"><br/></font><font color="#333333" size="3"><u>Logo</u>: A flash occurs. Then, in a "swirly" black-<font color="#0000ff">blue<font color="#333333"> </font></font><font color="#333333">background, a few <font color="#1ecae8">light blue </font>outline boxes slowly slide in different directions, revealing a white rectangle with dark cyan tinted print boxes of the Columbia and TriStar logos,</font></font><font color="#333333" size="1"><img align="right" alt="Columbia Tristar International Television (1997-2000?)" height="196" src="http://image.wikifoundry.com/image/1/qaFec8qyiLQYUK3tEqvU8w21504/GW267H196" title="Columbia Tristar International Television (1997-2000?)" width="267"/></font><font color="#333333" size="3"><font color="#333333"> respectively. Above the white rectangle, the words "COLUMBIA TRISTAR" in white Bank Gothic MD BT font, appears via a flash-like effect. Under the rectangle, "INTERNATIONAL TELEVISION" appears in the same fashion.</font></font><font size="3"><br/><br/></font><font size="3"><u>FX/SFX</u>: The background, the boxes, and the text.<br/><br/></font><font size="3"><u>Music/Sounds</u>: Unknown, probably the same as the last logo. The promos that use this logo usually have the ending theme of the trailer alongside an announcer saying a tagline along the lines of "Available from Columbia TriStar International Television".<br/><br/></font><font size="3"><u>Availability</u>: Near extinction. The only known evidence of </font><font size="3">this logo is from a set of promos at <a class="external" href="http://www.nxtbook.com/nxtbooks/sony/animation/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Nxtbook.com</a>, among other logos. One of the trailers which had this logo was <i>Ihaka: Blunt Instrument</i>.<br/><br/></font><font size="3"><u>Editor's Note</u>: None.</font><font color="#333333" size="3"><font color="#ffffff"><br/></font><br/><br/><br/>5th Logo</font><font size="3"><br/></font><font size="3">(1998-2001)<br/></font><br/><font size="3"><u>Nicknames</u>: "The Metallic Globe"</font><font size="3">, "CT TV Tube"</font><br/><font size="3"><br/></font><font size="3"><u>Logo</u>: The screen flashes quickly, revealing the same background as the 4th logo, with some connected circles spinning, and a CBS Broadcast International-esque Earth globe </font><font size="1"><img align="right" alt="Columbia Tristar International Television (1998-2001)" height="196" src="http://image.wikifoundry.com/image/1/jNgCb8ylQK-JfA520cPQAg22528/GW261H196" title="Columbia Tristar International Television (1998-2001)" width="261"/></font><font color="#333333" size="3">spinning, both slowly zooming in. The words "<font color="#17dce3" face="Arial">COLUMBIA TRISTAR INTERNATIONAL TELEVISION</font>", in a different Bank Gothic typeface, appear at the upper and lower sides of the screen, respectively. Two white lines of light criss-cross to form a TV tube-esque form with the Columbia logo (from the 1993 movie logo, but still) at the left side and the TriStar logo (again, from the 1993 movie logo, but still) at the right side. The lines of light fade out later.</font><font size="3"><br/><br/></font><font size="3"><u>FX/SFX</u>: The background, the connected circles and the globe spinning, the words appearing and the lines of light forming the logo.</font><font size="3"><br/><br/></font><font size="3"><u>Music/Sounds</u>: Same as the last logo.</font><br/><font size="3"><br/></font><font size="3"><u>Availability</u>: Same as the 4th logo.</font><font size="3"><br/><br/></font><font size="3"><u>Editor's Note</u>: Same as the 4th logo.</font><br/><font size="3"><br/><br/><br/></font><font size="3">6th Logo</font><font size="3"><br/>(1999-2001)</font><font size="3"><br/><div align="center"><font size="1"><img align="bottom" alt="Columbia TriStar International Television (199?)" height="195" src="http://image.wikifoundry.com/image/1/oOXyCPIfqAdJGy0mMjQo5A12757/GW258H195" title="Columbia TriStar International Television (199?)" width="258"/><img align="bottom" alt="Columbia TriStar International Television" height="194" src="http://image.wikifoundry.com/image/3/6d115dd47d9a100c6ad516018df94139/GW288H194" title="Columbia TriStar International Television" width="288"/></font></div><div align="center"></div><div align="center"></div></font><font size="3"><u><br/>Nicknames</u>: "CT Boxes IV", "Zooming Boxes", "CT Print Boxes II", "Stylish CT", "The Parentheses"<br/></font><font size="3"><br/></font><font color="#333333" size="3"><u>Logo</u>: Against a <font color="#b922c9">plum purple</font> background, the print Columbia and TriStar boxes filled with pink, and the text:</font><br/><b><br/></b> <div align="center"> <b><font size="3">columbia tristar</font><br/><font size="3">international</font><br/><font size="3">television</font></b></div><br/><font color="#333333" size="3">zoom out, while two <font color="#fc9dc4">pink</font> parentheses facing both sides, criss-cross to fill the boxes with <font color="#b922c9">plum purple</font>.<br/><br/><u>Variants</u>:</font><div><ul><li><font size="3">There is one variant where the parentheses are blinking.</font></li><li><font color="#333333" size="3">There is a variant where the logo is </font><font color="#ffa500" size="3">orange<font color="#000000">. This variant was found with the parentheses blinking, though a version without the blinking may exist.</font><br/></font></li></ul><font color="#333333" size="3"><br/><u>FX/SFX</u>: The zoom out. The parentheses blinking on the variant.<br/><br/><u>Music/Sounds</u>: It's probably the same as the CTT logo of the time.</font><font size="3"><br/><br/><u>Availability</u>: Same as the 4th and 5th logos. The orange blinking variant was spotted on a promo for <i>Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman</i><i>,</i> and a promo for <i>The Jeffersons</i><i>.</i><br/><br/><u>Editor's Note</u>: None.</font><font size="3"><br/></font><font size="3"><br/><br/><br/>7th Logo<br/>(2000-2002)<br/></font> <div align="center"> <font color="#333333" size="1"><img align="bottom" alt="Columbia TriStar International Television (2002)" height="154" src="http://image.wikifoundry.com/image/1/TmVOV4NM5lEe3EW2ty7Ujw31029/GW211H154" title="Columbia TriStar International Television (2002)" width="211"/><img align="bottom" alt="Columbia TriStar International Television (2000) (4:3)" height="155" src="http://image.wikifoundry.com/image/3/2dd2160833d70140539efad44902d282/GW208H155" title="Columbia TriStar International Television (2000) (4:3)" width="208"/><img align="bottom" alt="Columbia TriStar International Television (2000) (4:3 Stretched)" height="154" src="http://image.wikifoundry.com/image/3/f64de096a06e30439898b111e10fadfe/GW275H154" title="Columbia TriStar International Television (2000) (4:3 Stretched)" width="275"/><img align="bottom" alt="Columbia TriStar International Television (2000) (16:9)" height="156" src="http://image.wikifoundry.com/image/3/4a49f2e4130f15c1f0709518bcb10d37/GW277H156" title="Columbia TriStar International Television (2000) (16:9)" width="277"/><br/><embed height="174" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/page/Columbia+TriStar+International+Television/widget/unknown/-1775836444" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="210" wmode="transparent"/><iframe frameborder="0" height="174" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/widget/unknown/8cc20f6e3befad9e656b8043c3019e04da0458a3" width="225"></iframe></font></div><font color="#333333" size="3"> <br/><u>Nicknames</u>: "CT Boxes V", "Enhanced Sliding Boxes", "International Boxes of Boredom"<br/><br/><u>Logo</u>: Exactly the same as the 1999 second filmed version of Columbia TriStar Television "Boxes of Boredom" logo except the stacked words "<font color="#0000ff"><b>INTERNATIONAL TELEVISION</b></font>"<b> </b>replaces </font><font color="#333333" size="3">"<font color="#0000ff"><b>TELEVISION</b></font>" or </font><font color="#333333" size="3">"<font color="#0000ff"><b>DOMESTIC TELEVISION</b></font>" and the Sony byline is intact. </font> <div align="center"> </div> <div align="center"> </div><font size="3"> <br/></font> <div align="center"> </div><font size="3"><u>FX/SFX</u>: Same as Columbia TriStar (</font><font size="3">Domestic) Television.  <br/><font size="3"><br/></font></font><font face="Arial" size="3"><u>Music/Sounds</u></font><font size="3"><font size="3">: The same as the 1994 CTT logo theme except played at a no</font>ticeable higher pitch (possibly because it aired on TV in a PAL or SECAM-format country, though the same pitch might be seen in NTSC-format countries). </font><font size="3">In other cases, it used only the closing theme of the show.<br/><br/><font size="3"><u>Availability</u>: Ex</font></font><font size="3">tremely rare.<br/></font><ul><li><font size="3">It was recently seen on an Irish broadcast of </font><font size="3"><i>Big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot</i>, before the credits; the 2003 Sony Pictures Television International log<font size="3">o </font>appeared after the credits.</font></li><li><font size="3">In the past, it was seen on any Sony shows worldwide.</font></li><li><font size="3">It was also seen on the 2000 version of <i>Tequilla &amp; Bonetti</i>.</font></li><li><font size="3">Surprisingly, this logo was saved on every French airing of the 2000-2001 Canadian show <i>Mysterious Ways.</i></font></li></ul><div align="center"> </div><font size="3"> <br/><u>Editor's Note</u>: See the 2nd CTT logo.</font></div></div><br/></div>
<div class="WPC-editableContent" id="WPC-area?cellId=Columbia+TriStar+International+Television&amp;version=114&amp;savePath=%2Fpage%2FColumbia%2BTriStar%2BInternational%2BTelevision&amp;saveType=page"><font color="#333333" size="3"><i><font color="#ffa500">Logo descriptions by</font> Shadeed A. Kelly<br/></i><i><font color="#ffa500">Logo captures by</font> wolfie14, Shadeed A. Kelly, Eric S., V of Doom, </i></font><font color="#333333" size="3"><i><font color="#333333" size="3"><i>and ClosingLogosHD</i></font></i><br/></font><font color="#333333" size="3"><i><font color="#ffa500">Editions by</font> wolfie14, </i></font><font color="#333333" size="3">Shadeed A. Kelly, Eric S., userjt, CuriousGeorge60, and V of Doom<br/><i><font color="#ffa500">Video captures courtesy of</font> Eric S.<font size="3">,</font> JohnnyL80, PluMGMK, </i></font><font color="#333333" size="3"><i><font color="#333333" size="3"><i>and ClosingLogosHD</i></font></i><br/><br/><br/><u>Background</u>: Sony Pictures Entertainment and <font color="#333333">[[TriStar Television]] president J<font size="3">on Feltheimer merged </font>its international television arm Colu<font size="3">mbia Pictures International Television with TriStar Television to become</font> Columbia TriStar International Television in 1992 to distribute all its shows and the Columbia TriStar films around the world, reincorporated as [[Sony Pictures Television International]] (now "[[Sony Pictures Television|Sony Pictures ]]<font size="3">[[Sony Pictures Television|Television]]") </font>on September 16, 2002.<br/><br/><br/>1st Logo<br/>(1993-1999)</font><br/><div align="center"> </div><u> </u></font><font color="#333333" size="3"><div align="center"> <font size="1">[[Euxi53vt6nhxcaqxkpxdaw421246.bmp|253px|Columbia TriStar International Television (1995)]]<iframe frameborder="0" height="186" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/widget/unknown/d093ba3aa31fc52f779d151a4421aa8e5b2e9884" width="331"></iframe><br/></font></div><div align="center"></div></font><font color="#333333" size="3"><div align="center"> </div></font><div><font color="#333333" size="3"><u>Nicknames</u>: "CT Boxes", "CGI Boxes"</font><font color="#333333" size="3"><br/></font></div><div><font color="#333333" size="3"><br/></font></div><div></div><font color="#333333" size="3"><u>Logo</u>: Same as the </font><font size="3">[[Sony Pictures Home Entertainment|Columbia TriStar Home Video]] of the time, except “</font><b><font size="3"><font color="#ffee00">HOME VIDEO</font></font></b><font color="#333333" size="3">”<font color="#ffffff"><font color="#333333"> is changed to the stacked</font></font></font><font size="3"> words “</font><font color="#ffee00"><font size="3"><b>INTERNATIONAL TELEVISION</b></font></font><font size="3">”.<br/></font><font size="3"><br/><u>FX/SFX</u>: Same as the 1993 CTHV logo.<br/></font> <div align="center"> </div><font size="3"> <br/></font><font face="Arial" size="3"><u>Music/Sounds</u></font><font size="3">:</font><font size="3"> Same as the 1993 CTHV logo.</font><br/><font size="3"><u><br/></u><u>Availability</u>: Extinct. This was last seen on a few <i>Three Stooges</i> shorts from <i>Stooge TV</i> on The Family Channel from 1995-1998. Also seen at the end of a sizzle reel of <i>Headline Chasers</i>.<br/><u><br/>Editor's Note</u>: None.</font><div align="center"> </div><font size="3"><br/><br/><br/>2nd Logo<br/>(1996-2001)<br/></font> <div align="center"> <font color="#333333" size="1">[[File:HnvCoTVWFdrO94B1mKTGaw18266.jpeg|263px|Columbia TriStar International Television (1996)]]</font><font color="#333333" size="1">[[File:46657bd3a23280345c711e892725d2d3.png|260px|Columbia TriStar International Television (1998)]]<br/><embed height="196" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/page/Columbia+TriStar+International+Television/widget/unknown/-1958152617" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="236" wmode="transparent"/></font></div><br/><font size="3"><u>Nicknames</u>: "Logos Up-Close", "Lighting Up Screens Around the World", "Side-By-Side Logo"<br/><br/></font> <div align="center"> </div><font size="3"><u>Logo</u>: On the background of the 1993 Columbia Pictures logo, we see a still shot of the Torch Lady on the left with her cloud behind her and the TriStar Pegasus (in its similar style from the 1993 TriStar Pictures logo), on the right without a cloud. We would see the animation of the TriStar Pegasus unfolding his wings just like the 1993 theatrical logo. Above them panning back says “COLUMBIA TRISTAR INTERNATIONAL TELEVISION” above the Torch Lady and the Pegasus. Below the waist of the Torch Lady underlined says “<font face="Times"><u>LIGHTING UP SCREENS</u></font>”. Below shifted on the right says “<font face="Times">AROUND THE</font>” and underneath says “<font face="Times"><u>WO</u>RLD</font>” in a huge font with the planet Earth rotating, panning back into the rings to represent the letter “O” all in gold and the remaining lettering in Trajan Pro font. The logo appears:  <br/><br/></font> <div align="center"> </div> <div align="center"> <font size="3">COLUMBIA TRISTAR INTERNATIONAL TELEVISION<br/><br/></font></div> <div align="center"> <font face="Times" size="4"><u>LIGHTING UP SCREENS</u><font color="#ffffff" face="Arial" size="1">-------</font></font><br/><font color="#ffffff" size="1">--------------------------------</font><font face="Times">AROUND THE</font><br/><font face="Times" size="7"><u>WO</u>RLD</font> </div><font size="3"> <br/><u>FX/SFX</u>: The name and globe panning back. Very nice animation.<br/></font> <div align="center"> </div><font size="3"><br/></font><font face="Arial" size="3"><u>Music/Sounds</u></font><font size="3">: The shortened or the long version of the Columbia TriStar Television Distribution theme.<br/><br/><u>Availability</u>: </font><font size="3"><font size="3">Extremely rare</font>. Seen on any Sony series across the globe. The version with the short jingle was recently spotted on some episodes of the show <i>AXN</i> on the Spanish channel TeleXitos.<br/><br/><u>Editor's Note</u>: None.<br/><br/><br/><br/></font><font color="#333333" size="3"><font color="#ffffff"><font color="#333333">3rd Logo<br/>(1997-2002)</font><br/></font><div align="center"><font color="#ffffff"> </font><font size="1">[[File:FxEXlQVXeDLuWyMlfJJWHw19439.jpeg|261px|Columbia TriStar International Television (1997)]][[File:B8ebb831696b204a393a7ab9be219039.png|352px|Columbia TriStar International Television 1997 (4:3 Stretched)]]<br/></font>[[File:5a54510d4fa012200d34744c2ef4b6ec.png|243px|Columbia Tristar International Television Brasil (1999) #2]]<font color="#333333" size="3"><font size="1"><iframe frameborder="0" height="195" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/widget/unknown/6d3b54de23a20e0f8a1f98a54205186e8a7a4d9b" width="340"></iframe></font></font></div></font><font size="3"><u> <br/>Nicknames</u>: </font><font size="3">"CT Boxes II", </font><font size="3">"The Filmstrip", "The C-T Filmstrip"</font><br/><font size="3"><br/></font><font size="3"><u>Logo</u>: It's the same as the 1997 CTHV logo, except the stacked words, "<b>INTERNATIONAL TELEVISION</b>" replaces "<b>HOME VIDEO</b>" and the words "Columbia Tristar" and "International Television" </font><font size="3">are shown in the middle sliding in slowly from the left and right of the screen respectively as the logo animates. In the middle is a black rounded code-out box with the white word "Columbia" which then changes intro "Tristar". Then the words disappear before the logo forms.</font><div><font size="3"><br/></font></div><div><font size="3"><u>Variants:</u> </font></div><ul><li><font size="3">A stretched 16:9 variant exists on widescreen programs.</font></li><li><font size="3">a Brazilian version exists on the Brazilian version of <i>Married... With Children</i>, titled <i>A Guerra Dos Pintos</i>, the text "<b>BRASIL</b>" (which<font size="3">is in a different font), appears below "<b>INTERNATIONAL TELEVISION</b>",making it "<b>COLUMBIA TRISTAR INTERNATIONAL TELEVISION BRASIL</b>". Also, "<b>INTERNATIONAL TELEVISION</b>" are not stacked to make room for "</font><font size="3"><b>BRASIL</b></font><font size="3">" underneath.</font></font></li></ul><font size="3"><font size="3"><br/></font><font size="3"><u>FX/SFX</u>: Same as the 1997 CTHV logo.<br/><br/><u>Music/Sounds</u>: The same Madchester beat </font><font size="3">from the 1997 CTHV logo</font><font size="3">.<u><br/><br/>Availability</u>: Extremely rare.<font size="3"><font size="3"><br/></font></font></font></font><ul><li><font size="3">Respectively seen on <i>Men in Black: The Series</i> outside the USA.</font></li><li><font size="3">It was also seen on German prints of <i>Powder Park</i>, followed by the SPT logo.</font></li><li><font size="3">It was also seen on the UK version of <i>As If</i>.</font></li><li><font size="3">It may have also been spotted on <i>Channel Umptee-3</i> among other programs.</font></li></ul><div><br/><font size="3"><u>Editor's Note</u>:</font><font size="3"> None.</font><font size="3"><br/><br/><br/><br/></font><font size="3">4th Logo</font><font size="3"><br/></font><font size="3">(1997-2000?)</font></div><div><br/><font size="3"><u>Nicknames</u>: "CT Boxes III", "The Light Blue Outline Boxes", "CT Print Boxes"</font><br/><font size="3"><br/></font><font color="#333333" size="3"><u>Logo</u>: A flash occurs. Then, in a "swirly" black-<font color="#0000ff">blue<font color="#333333"> </font></font><font color="#333333">background, a few <font color="#1ecae8">light blue </font>outline boxes slowly slide in different directions, revealing a white rectangle with dark cyan tinted print boxes of the Columbia and TriStar logos,</font></font><font color="#333333" size="1">[[File:QaFec8qyiLQYUK3tEqvU8w21504.jpeg|267px|Columbia Tristar International Television (1997-2000?)]]</font><font color="#333333" size="3"><font color="#333333"> respectively. Above the white rectangle, the words "COLUMBIA TRISTAR" in white Bank Gothic MD BT font, appears via a flash-like effect. Under the rectangle, "INTERNATIONAL TELEVISION" appears in the same fashion.</font></font><font size="3"><br/><br/></font><font size="3"><u>FX/SFX</u>: The background, the boxes, and the text.<br/><br/></font><font size="3"><u>Music/Sounds</u>: Unknown, probably the same as the last logo. The promos that use this logo usually have the ending theme of the trailer alongside an announcer saying a tagline along the lines of "Available from Columbia TriStar International Television".<br/><br/></font><font size="3"><u>Availability</u>: Near extinction. The only known evidence of </font><font size="3">this logo is from a set of promos at <a class="external" href="http://www.nxtbook.com/nxtbooks/sony/animation/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Nxtbook.com</a>, among other logos. One of the trailers which had this logo was <i>Ihaka: Blunt Instrument</i>.<br/><br/></font><font size="3"><u>Editor's Note</u>: None.</font><font color="#333333" size="3"><font color="#ffffff"><br/></font><br/><br/><br/>5th Logo</font><font size="3"><br/></font><font size="3">(1998-2001)<br/></font><br/><font size="3"><u>Nicknames</u>: "The Metallic Globe"</font><font size="3">, "CT TV Tube"</font><br/><font size="3"><br/></font><font size="3"><u>Logo</u>: The screen flashes quickly, revealing the same background as the 4th logo, with some connected circles spinning, and a CBS Broadcast International-esque Earth globe </font><font size="1">[[File:JNgCb8ylQK-JfA520cPQAg22528.jpeg|261px|Columbia Tristar International Television (1998-2001)]]</font><font color="#333333" size="3">spinning, both slowly zooming in. The words "<font color="#17dce3" face="Arial">COLUMBIA TRISTAR INTERNATIONAL TELEVISION</font>", in a different Bank Gothic typeface, appear at the upper and lower sides of the screen, respectively. Two white lines of light criss-cross to form a TV tube-esque form with the Columbia logo (from the 1993 movie logo, but still) at the left side and the TriStar logo (again, from the 1993 movie logo, but still) at the right side. The lines of light fade out later.</font><font size="3"><br/><br/></font><font size="3"><u>FX/SFX</u>: The background, the connected circles and the globe spinning, the words appearing and the lines of light forming the logo.</font><font size="3"><br/><br/></font><font size="3"><u>Music/Sounds</u>: Same as the last logo.</font><br/><font size="3"><br/></font><font size="3"><u>Availability</u>: Same as the 4th logo.</font><font size="3"><br/><br/></font><font size="3"><u>Editor's Note</u>: Same as the 4th logo.</font><br/><font size="3"><br/><br/><br/></font><font size="3">6th Logo</font><font size="3"><br/>(1999-2001)</font><font size="3"><br/><div align="center"><font size="1">[[File:OOXyCPIfqAdJGy0mMjQo5A12757.jpeg|258px|Columbia TriStar International Television (199?)]][[File:6d115dd47d9a100c6ad516018df94139.jpeg|288px|Columbia TriStar International Television]]</font></div><div align="center"></div><div align="center"></div></font><font size="3"><u><br/>Nicknames</u>: "CT Boxes IV", "Zooming Boxes", "CT Print Boxes II", "Stylish CT", "The Parentheses"<br/></font><font size="3"><br/></font><font color="#333333" size="3"><u>Logo</u>: Against a <font color="#b922c9">plum purple</font> background, the print Columbia and TriStar boxes filled with pink, and the text:</font><br/><b><br/></b> <div align="center"> <b><font size="3">columbia tristar</font><br/><font size="3">international</font><br/><font size="3">television</font></b></div><br/><font color="#333333" size="3">zoom out, while two <font color="#fc9dc4">pink</font> parentheses facing both sides, criss-cross to fill the boxes with <font color="#b922c9">plum purple</font>.<br/><br/><u>Variants</u>:</font><div><ul><li><font size="3">There is one variant where the parentheses are blinking.</font></li><li><font color="#333333" size="3">There is a variant where the logo is </font><font color="#ffa500" size="3">orange<font color="#000000">. This variant was found with the parentheses blinking, though a version without the blinking may exist.</font><br/></font></li></ul><font color="#333333" size="3"><br/><u>FX/SFX</u>: The zoom out. The parentheses blinking on the variant.<br/><br/><u>Music/Sounds</u>: It's probably the same as the CTT logo of the time.</font><font size="3"><br/><br/><u>Availability</u>: Same as the 4th and 5th logos. The orange blinking variant was spotted on a promo for <i>Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman</i><i>,</i> and a promo for <i>The Jeffersons</i><i>.</i><br/><br/><u>Editor's Note</u>: None.</font><font size="3"><br/></font><font size="3"><br/><br/><br/>7th Logo<br/>(2000-2002)<br/></font> <div align="center"> <font color="#333333" size="1">[[File:TmVOV4NM5lEe3EW2ty7Ujw31029.jpeg|211px|Columbia TriStar International Television (2002)]][[File:2dd2160833d70140539efad44902d282.png|208px|Columbia TriStar International Television (2000) (4:3)]][[File:F64de096a06e30439898b111e10fadfe.png|275px|Columbia TriStar International Television (2000) (4:3 Stretched)]][[File:4a49f2e4130f15c1f0709518bcb10d37.png|277px|Columbia TriStar International Television (2000) (16:9)]]<br/><embed height="174" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/page/Columbia+TriStar+International+Television/widget/unknown/-1775836444" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="210" wmode="transparent"/><iframe frameborder="0" height="174" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/widget/unknown/8cc20f6e3befad9e656b8043c3019e04da0458a3" width="225"></iframe></font></div><font color="#333333" size="3"> <br/><u>Nicknames</u>: "CT Boxes V", "Enhanced Sliding Boxes", "International Boxes of Boredom"<br/><br/><u>Logo</u>: Exactly the same as the 1999 second filmed version of Columbia TriStar Television "Boxes of Boredom" logo except the stacked words "<font color="#0000ff"><b>INTERNATIONAL TELEVISION</b></font>"<b> </b>replaces </font><font color="#333333" size="3">"<font color="#0000ff"><b>TELEVISION</b></font>" or </font><font color="#333333" size="3">"<font color="#0000ff"><b>DOMESTIC TELEVISION</b></font>" and the Sony byline is intact. </font> <div align="center"> </div> <div align="center"> </div><font size="3"> <br/></font> <div align="center"> </div><font size="3"><u>FX/SFX</u>: Same as Columbia TriStar (</font><font size="3">Domestic) Television.  <br/><font size="3"><br/></font></font><font face="Arial" size="3"><u>Music/Sounds</u></font><font size="3"><font size="3">: The same as the 1994 CTT logo theme except played at a no</font>ticeable higher pitch (possibly because it aired on TV in a PAL or SECAM-format country, though the same pitch might be seen in NTSC-format countries). </font><font size="3">In other cases, it used only the closing theme of the show.<br/><br/><font size="3"><u>Availability</u>: Ex</font></font><font size="3">tremely rare.<br/></font><ul><li><font size="3">It was recently seen on an Irish broadcast of </font><font size="3"><i>Big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot</i>, before the credits; the 2003 Sony Pictures Television International log<font size="3">o </font>appeared after the credits.</font></li><li><font size="3">In the past, it was seen on any Sony shows worldwide.</font></li><li><font size="3">It was also seen on the 2000 version of <i>Tequilla &amp; Bonetti</i>.</font></li><li><font size="3">Surprisingly, this logo was saved on every French airing of the 2000-2001 Canadian show <i>Mysterious Ways.</i></font></li></ul><div align="center"> </div><font size="3"> <br/><u>Editor's Note</u>: See the 2nd CTT logo.</font></div></div><br/></div>

Latest revision as of 16:15, 3 November 2020

Logo descriptions by Shadeed A. Kelly
Logo captures by wolfie14, Shadeed A. Kelly, Eric S., V of Doom,
and ClosingLogosHD
Editions by wolfie14, Shadeed A. Kelly, Eric S., userjt, CuriousGeorge60, and V of Doom
Video captures courtesy of Eric S., JohnnyL80, PluMGMK,
and ClosingLogosHD

Background: Sony Pictures Entertainment and TriStar Television president Jon Feltheimer merged its international television arm Columbia Pictures International Television with TriStar Television to become Columbia TriStar International Television in 1992 to distribute all its shows and the Columbia TriStar films around the world, reincorporated as Sony Pictures Television International (now "Sony Pictures Television") on September 16, 2002.

1st Logo

Nicknames: "CT Boxes", "CGI Boxes"

Logo: Same as the Columbia TriStar Home Video of the time, except “HOME VIDEO is changed to the stacked words “INTERNATIONAL TELEVISION”.

FX/SFX: Same as the 1993 CTHV logo.

Music/Sounds: Same as the 1993 CTHV logo.

Availability: Extinct. This was last seen on a few Three Stooges shorts from Stooge TV on The Family Channel from 1995-1998. Also seen at the end of a sizzle reel of Headline Chasers.

Editor's Note
: None.

2nd Logo
Columbia TriStar International Television (1996)Columbia TriStar International Television (1998)
<embed height="196" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/page/Columbia+TriStar+International+Television/widget/unknown/-1958152617" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="236" wmode="transparent"/>

Nicknames: "Logos Up-Close", "Lighting Up Screens Around the World", "Side-By-Side Logo"

Logo: On the background of the 1993 Columbia Pictures logo, we see a still shot of the Torch Lady on the left with her cloud behind her and the TriStar Pegasus (in its similar style from the 1993 TriStar Pictures logo), on the right without a cloud. We would see the animation of the TriStar Pegasus unfolding his wings just like the 1993 theatrical logo. Above them panning back says “COLUMBIA TRISTAR INTERNATIONAL TELEVISION” above the Torch Lady and the Pegasus. Below the waist of the Torch Lady underlined says “LIGHTING UP SCREENS”. Below shifted on the right says “AROUND THE” and underneath says “WORLD” in a huge font with the planet Earth rotating, panning back into the rings to represent the letter “O” all in gold and the remaining lettering in Trajan Pro font. The logo appears:


--------------------------------AROUND THE

FX/SFX: The name and globe panning back. Very nice animation.

Music/Sounds: The shortened or the long version of the Columbia TriStar Television Distribution theme.

Extremely rare. Seen on any Sony series across the globe. The version with the short jingle was recently spotted on some episodes of the show AXN on the Spanish channel TeleXitos.

Editor's Note: None.

3rd Logo

"CT Boxes II", "The Filmstrip", "The C-T Filmstrip"

Logo: It's the same as the 1997 CTHV logo, except the stacked words, "INTERNATIONAL TELEVISION" replaces "HOME VIDEO" and the words "Columbia Tristar" and "International Television" are shown in the middle sliding in slowly from the left and right of the screen respectively as the logo animates. In the middle is a black rounded code-out box with the white word "Columbia" which then changes intro "Tristar". Then the words disappear before the logo forms.

  • A stretched 16:9 variant exists on widescreen programs.
  • a Brazilian version exists on the Brazilian version of Married... With Children, titled A Guerra Dos Pintos, the text "BRASIL" (whichis in a different font), appears below "INTERNATIONAL TELEVISION",making it "COLUMBIA TRISTAR INTERNATIONAL TELEVISION BRASIL". Also, "INTERNATIONAL TELEVISION" are not stacked to make room for "BRASIL" underneath.

FX/SFX: Same as the 1997 CTHV logo.

Music/Sounds: The same Madchester beat
from the 1997 CTHV logo.

: Extremely rare.
  • Respectively seen on Men in Black: The Series outside the USA.
  • It was also seen on German prints of Powder Park, followed by the SPT logo.
  • It was also seen on the UK version of As If.
  • It may have also been spotted on Channel Umptee-3 among other programs.

Editor's Note: None.

4th Logo

Nicknames: "CT Boxes III", "The Light Blue Outline Boxes", "CT Print Boxes"

Logo: A flash occurs. Then, in a "swirly" black-blue background, a few light blue outline boxes slowly slide in different directions, revealing a white rectangle with dark cyan tinted print boxes of the Columbia and TriStar logos,Columbia Tristar International Television (1997-2000?) respectively. Above the white rectangle, the words "COLUMBIA TRISTAR" in white Bank Gothic MD BT font, appears via a flash-like effect. Under the rectangle, "INTERNATIONAL TELEVISION" appears in the same fashion.

FX/SFX: The background, the boxes, and the text.

Music/Sounds: Unknown, probably the same as the last logo. The promos that use this logo usually have the ending theme of the trailer alongside an announcer saying a tagline along the lines of "Available from Columbia TriStar International Television".

Availability: Near extinction. The only known evidence of this logo is from a set of promos at <a class="external" href="http://www.nxtbook.com/nxtbooks/sony/animation/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Nxtbook.com</a>, among other logos. One of the trailers which had this logo was Ihaka: Blunt Instrument.

Editor's Note: None.

5th Logo


Nicknames: "The Metallic Globe", "CT TV Tube"

Logo: The screen flashes quickly, revealing the same background as the 4th logo, with some connected circles spinning, and a CBS Broadcast International-esque Earth globe Columbia Tristar International Television (1998-2001)spinning, both slowly zooming in. The words "COLUMBIA TRISTAR INTERNATIONAL TELEVISION", in a different Bank Gothic typeface, appear at the upper and lower sides of the screen, respectively. Two white lines of light criss-cross to form a TV tube-esque form with the Columbia logo (from the 1993 movie logo, but still) at the left side and the TriStar logo (again, from the 1993 movie logo, but still) at the right side. The lines of light fade out later.

FX/SFX: The background, the connected circles and the globe spinning, the words appearing and the lines of light forming the logo.

Music/Sounds: Same as the last logo.

Availability: Same as the 4th logo.

Editor's Note: Same as the 4th logo.

6th Logo

Columbia TriStar International Television (199?)Columbia TriStar International Television

: "CT Boxes IV", "Zooming Boxes", "CT Print Boxes II", "Stylish CT", "The Parentheses"

Logo: Against a plum purple background, the print Columbia and TriStar boxes filled with pink, and the text:

columbia tristar

zoom out, while two pink parentheses facing both sides, criss-cross to fill the boxes with plum purple.

  • There is one variant where the parentheses are blinking.
  • There is a variant where the logo is orange. This variant was found with the parentheses blinking, though a version without the blinking may exist.

FX/SFX: The zoom out. The parentheses blinking on the variant.

Music/Sounds: It's probably the same as the CTT logo of the time.

Availability: Same as the 4th and 5th logos. The orange blinking variant was spotted on a promo for Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman, and a promo for The Jeffersons.

Editor's Note: None.

7th Logo
Columbia TriStar International Television (2002)Columbia TriStar International Television (2000) (4:3)Columbia TriStar International Television (2000) (4:3 Stretched)Columbia TriStar International Television (2000) (16:9)
<embed height="174" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/page/Columbia+TriStar+International+Television/widget/unknown/-1775836444" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="210" wmode="transparent"/><iframe frameborder="0" height="174" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/widget/unknown/8cc20f6e3befad9e656b8043c3019e04da0458a3" width="225"></iframe>

Nicknames: "CT Boxes V", "Enhanced Sliding Boxes", "International Boxes of Boredom"

Logo: Exactly the same as the 1999 second filmed version of Columbia TriStar Television "Boxes of Boredom" logo except the stacked words "INTERNATIONAL TELEVISION" replaces
"TELEVISION" or "DOMESTIC TELEVISION" and the Sony byline is intact.

FX/SFX: Same as Columbia TriStar (Domestic) Television.

Music/Sounds: The same as the 1994 CTT logo theme except played at a noticeable higher pitch (possibly because it aired on TV in a PAL or SECAM-format country, though the same pitch might be seen in NTSC-format countries). In other cases, it used only the closing theme of the show.

Availability: Ex
tremely rare.
  • It was recently seen on an Irish broadcast of Big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot, before the credits; the 2003 Sony Pictures Television International logo appeared after the credits.
  • In the past, it was seen on any Sony shows worldwide.
  • It was also seen on the 2000 version of Tequilla & Bonetti.
  • Surprisingly, this logo was saved on every French airing of the 2000-2001 Canadian show Mysterious Ways.

Editor's Note: See the 2nd CTT logo.