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(Created page with "<div class="WPC-editableContent" id="WPC-area?cellId=FX+Movie+Channel+Productions&version=30&savePath=%2Fpage%2FFX%2BMovie%2BChannel%2BProductions&saveType=page"><...")
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<div class="WPC-editableContent" id="WPC-area?cellId=FX+Movie+Channel+Productions&amp;version=30&amp;savePath=%2Fpage%2FFX%2BMovie%2BChannel%2BProductions&amp;saveType=page"><font size="3"><i><font color="#ffa500">Logo description and captures by</font><font color="#000000"> Logoboy95 and loveslogos</font></i><font><br/><i><font color="#FFA500">Video capture courtesy of<font color="#333333"> Pepsi9072</font></font></i><br/><br/></font></font><div><b><u><font size="3">fXM: Movies from Fox<br/></font></u></b></div><div><b><u><font size="3"><br/></font></u></b></div><div align="center"><img align="bottom" alt="fXM: Movies From Fox (Best of)" height="227" src="http://image.wikifoundry.com/image/3/38a72c03d486b586b1e8edb896ff6a46/GW298H227" title="fXM: Movies From Fox (Best of)" width="298"/><img align="bottom" alt="fXM: Movies From Fox (Musical)" height="228" src="http://image.wikifoundry.com/image/3/365e9ac92df6c6781faa1f54ac91bb33/GW291H228" title="fXM: Movies From Fox (Musical)" width="291"/><img align="bottom" alt="fXM: Movies From Fox (Comedy)" height="226" src="http://image.wikifoundry.com/image/3/2a02fbc159e6cd882e278e3d511c5971/GW286H226" title="fXM: Movies From Fox (Comedy)" width="286"/></div><div align="center"><img align="bottom" alt="fXM: Movies From Fox (Romance)" height="225" src="http://image.wikifoundry.com/image/3/c4b3b8e8c0f925714cf5511ed66f478d/GW285H225" title="fXM: Movies From Fox (Romance)" width="285"/></div><div align="center"><iframe frameborder="0" height="225" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/widget/genericvideo/e4fed4698ab501e8bafc63fa3e8504b8b41d7a96" width="396"></iframe></div><div><b><u><font size="3"><br/></font></u></b></div><div><font size="3">(October 31, 1994-February 29, 2000)</font></div><div><font size="3"><br/></font><div><font size="3"><u>Nickname</u>: "FXM Structure"<br/><br/><u>Logo</u>: We see some close-ups of a circular stage-like 3-D structure with the FX logo on one side: a giant "M" is on the other. Then we zoom out to reveal that the bottom of the structure says "MOVIES FROM FOX".<br/><br/></font></div><div><font size="3"><u>Variants</u>: There were other variants where the structure was in a different color, depending on the genre of the following film:<br/></font><ul><li><font size="3"><font color="#00ff00">Green</font>: Comedy</font></li><li><font size="3"><font color="#0000ff">Blue</font>: Musical</font></li><li><font size="3"><font color="#2a0478">Purple</font>: Drama</font></li><li><font size="3">Gray: Action</font></li><li><font size="3"><font color="#ff0000">Red</font>: Romance</font></li><li><font size="3"><font color="#ffa500">Orange</font>: Best of.</font></li></ul></div><div><font size="3"><br/></font></div><div><font size="3"><u>FX/SFX</u>: The close-ups of the structure and the searchlights moving. This was done by Hatmaker Films in Boston, MA.<br/><br/><u>Music/Sounds</u>: Depends on the variant. All of them were based on the Cinemascope version of the 20th Century fox theme.<br/><br/><u>Availability</u>: Extinct.<br/><br/><u>Editor's Note</u>: None.</font></div><div><font size="3"><br/></font></div><div><font size="3"><br/></font></div><div><font size="3"><br/></font></div><div><font size="3"><br/></font></div><div><font size="3"><b><u>Fox Movie Channel</u></b><br/><br/>1st Logo<br/>(March 1, 2000-2008)<br/><br/><u>Nicknames</u>: "3-D Searchlights", "The Fox Movie Channel Structure"<br/><br/><u>Logo</u>: On a black background, we see the Fox Movie Channel logo (a variation of the 20th Century Fox structure set against an orange background with "<b>FOX MOVIE CHANNEL</b>" replacing "<b>20th CENTURY FOX</b>") surrounded by a box, with the News Corporation byline at the bottom.</font><img align="right" alt="Fox Movie Channel (2000-2007)" height="216" src="http://image.wikifoundry.com/image/1/my4voCga6weyDhSc514-Eg9305/GW288H216" title="Fox Movie Channel (2000-2007)" width="288"/> Under it, we see the words "A Fox Movie Channel Production", and under it is a copyright notice.<font size="3"><br/><br/><u>FX/SFX</u>: None<br/><br/><u>Music/Sounds</u>: TBA<br/><br/><u>Availability</u>: Extinct.<br/><br/><u>Editor's Note</u>: None.<br/><br/><br/><br/>2nd Logo<br/>(2008-March 26, 2013)</font></div><div><font size="3"><br/></font></div><div><div align="center"><img align="bottom" alt="Fox Movie Channel Productions (2008)" height="251" src="http://image.wikifoundry.com/image/3/d2549cb26408cd0a45a549469953c1b6/GW444H251" title="Fox Movie Channel Productions (2008)" width="444"/></div><font size="3"><br/> <u>Nickname</u><font color="#333333">: "The Structure Strikes Back"</font><br/><br/><u>Logo</u><font color="#333333">: We start on a side view of the 2007 Fox Movie Channel structure, appar</font><font face="Arial">ently carved out of metal in a </font></font><font size="3"><font face="Arial">blue/white color, are seen,</font><font color="#333333"> redone again in 3-D. The "FOX" is the biggest row, while "MOVIE CHANNEL" are a bit smaller. We zoom out from the logo to make the camera panning. We also see searchlights which are seen as the camera pans around the structure. "PRODUCTIONS" reveals at the bottom of the screen.</font><br/><br/><u>FX/SFX</u><font color="#333333">: The zoom out of the camera around the 2007 Fox Movie Channel structure.</font><br/><br/><u>Music/Sounds</u><font color="#333333">: The remixed version of the final notes of the 20th Century Fox fanfare. In other cases, it usually uses the outro of the TV show.</font><br/><br/><u>Availability</u><font color="#333333">: No longer current, as Fox Movie Channel has rebranded as FX Movie Channel in 2013.</font><br/><br/><u>Editor's Note</u><font color="#333333">: None.</font><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><u><b>FX Movie Channel Productions<br/><br/></b></u><font color="#333333">(March 27, 2013- )</font></font><font color="#333333"><iframe align="right" frameborder="0" height="186" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/widget/genericvideo/4f7eb6a0ad28443c8de49828edb10054e30a3921" width="330"></iframe></font><font size="3"><br/><br/><u>Logo</u>: On a dark background with many strips showing the FXM logo (which is the 2013 FX logo with an M attached to it) and the text "FX MOVIE CHANNEL", we rapidly zoom out to see the FXM logo on a few of the strips, at an angle. "PRODUCTIONS" is shown underneath it.<br/><br/><u>FX/SFX</u>: The zoom-out.<br/><br/><u>Music/Sounds</u>: A whoosh sound.<br/><br/><u>Availability</u>: Current.</font></div><div><font><font size="3"><br/><u>Editor's Note</u>: None.</font><br/></font></div></div><br/></div>
<div class="WPC-editableContent" id="WPC-area?cellId=FX+Movie+Channel+Productions&amp;version=30&amp;savePath=%2Fpage%2FFX%2BMovie%2BChannel%2BProductions&amp;saveType=page"><font size="3"><i><font color="#ffa500">Logo description and captures by</font><font color="#000000"> Logoboy95 and loveslogos</font></i><font><br/><i><font color="#FFA500">Video capture courtesy of<font color="#333333"> Pepsi9072</font></font></i><br/><br/></font></font><div><b><u><font size="3">fXM: Movies from Fox<br/></font></u></b></div><div><b><u><font size="3"><br/></font></u></b></div><div align="center">[[File:38a72c03d486b586b1e8edb896ff6a46.jpeg|298px|fXM: Movies From Fox (Best of)]][[File:365e9ac92df6c6781faa1f54ac91bb33.jpeg|291px|fXM: Movies From Fox (Musical)]][[File:2a02fbc159e6cd882e278e3d511c5971.jpeg|286px|fXM: Movies From Fox (Comedy)]]</div><div align="center">[[File:C4b3b8e8c0f925714cf5511ed66f478d.jpeg|285px|fXM: Movies From Fox (Romance)]]</div><div align="center"><iframe frameborder="0" height="225" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/widget/genericvideo/e4fed4698ab501e8bafc63fa3e8504b8b41d7a96" width="396"></iframe></div><div><b><u><font size="3"><br/></font></u></b></div><div><font size="3">(October 31, 1994-February 29, 2000)</font></div><div><font size="3"><br/></font><div><font size="3"><u>Nickname</u>: "FXM Structure"<br/><br/><u>Logo</u>: We see some close-ups of a circular stage-like 3-D structure with the FX logo on one side: a giant "M" is on the other. Then we zoom out to reveal that the bottom of the structure says "MOVIES FROM FOX".<br/><br/></font></div><div><font size="3"><u>Variants</u>: There were other variants where the structure was in a different color, depending on the genre of the following film:<br/></font><ul><li><font size="3"><font color="#00ff00">Green</font>: Comedy</font></li><li><font size="3"><font color="#0000ff">Blue</font>: Musical</font></li><li><font size="3"><font color="#2a0478">Purple</font>: Drama</font></li><li><font size="3">Gray: Action</font></li><li><font size="3"><font color="#ff0000">Red</font>: Romance</font></li><li><font size="3"><font color="#ffa500">Orange</font>: Best of.</font></li></ul></div><div><font size="3"><br/></font></div><div><font size="3"><u>FX/SFX</u>: The close-ups of the structure and the searchlights moving. This was done by Hatmaker Films in Boston, MA.<br/><br/><u>Music/Sounds</u>: Depends on the variant. All of them were based on the Cinemascope version of the 20th Century fox theme.<br/><br/><u>Availability</u>: Extinct.<br/><br/><u>Editor's Note</u>: None.</font></div><div><font size="3"><br/></font></div><div><font size="3"><br/></font></div><div><font size="3"><br/></font></div><div><font size="3"><br/></font></div><div><font size="3"><b><u>Fox Movie Channel</u></b><br/><br/>1st Logo<br/>(March 1, 2000-2008)<br/><br/><u>Nicknames</u>: "3-D Searchlights", "The Fox Movie Channel Structure"<br/><br/><u>Logo</u>: On a black background, we see the Fox Movie Channel logo (a variation of the 20th Century Fox structure set against an orange background with "<b>FOX MOVIE CHANNEL</b>" replacing "<b>20th CENTURY FOX</b>") surrounded by a box, with the News Corporation byline at the bottom.</font>[[File:My4voCga6weyDhSc514-Eg9305.jpeg|288px|Fox Movie Channel (2000-2007)]] Under it, we see the words "A Fox Movie Channel Production", and under it is a copyright notice.<font size="3"><br/><br/><u>FX/SFX</u>: None<br/><br/><u>Music/Sounds</u>: TBA<br/><br/><u>Availability</u>: Extinct.<br/><br/><u>Editor's Note</u>: None.<br/><br/><br/><br/>2nd Logo<br/>(2008-March 26, 2013)</font></div><div><font size="3"><br/></font></div><div><div align="center">[[File:D2549cb26408cd0a45a549469953c1b6.jpeg|444px|Fox Movie Channel Productions (2008)]]</div><font size="3"><br/> <u>Nickname</u><font color="#333333">: "The Structure Strikes Back"</font><br/><br/><u>Logo</u><font color="#333333">: We start on a side view of the 2007 Fox Movie Channel structure, appar</font><font face="Arial">ently carved out of metal in a </font></font><font size="3"><font face="Arial">blue/white color, are seen,</font><font color="#333333"> redone again in 3-D. The "FOX" is the biggest row, while "MOVIE CHANNEL" are a bit smaller. We zoom out from the logo to make the camera panning. We also see searchlights which are seen as the camera pans around the structure. "PRODUCTIONS" reveals at the bottom of the screen.</font><br/><br/><u>FX/SFX</u><font color="#333333">: The zoom out of the camera around the 2007 Fox Movie Channel structure.</font><br/><br/><u>Music/Sounds</u><font color="#333333">: The remixed version of the final notes of the 20th Century Fox fanfare. In other cases, it usually uses the outro of the TV show.</font><br/><br/><u>Availability</u><font color="#333333">: No longer current, as Fox Movie Channel has rebranded as FX Movie Channel in 2013.</font><br/><br/><u>Editor's Note</u><font color="#333333">: None.</font><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><u><b>FX Movie Channel Productions<br/><br/></b></u><font color="#333333">(March 27, 2013- )</font></font><font color="#333333"><iframe align="right" frameborder="0" height="186" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/widget/genericvideo/4f7eb6a0ad28443c8de49828edb10054e30a3921" width="330"></iframe></font><font size="3"><br/><br/><u>Logo</u>: On a dark background with many strips showing the FXM logo (which is the 2013 FX logo with an M attached to it) and the text "FX MOVIE CHANNEL", we rapidly zoom out to see the FXM logo on a few of the strips, at an angle. "PRODUCTIONS" is shown underneath it.<br/><br/><u>FX/SFX</u>: The zoom-out.<br/><br/><u>Music/Sounds</u>: A whoosh sound.<br/><br/><u>Availability</u>: Current.</font></div><div><font><font size="3"><br/><u>Editor's Note</u>: None.</font><br/></font></div></div><br/></div>

Latest revision as of 18:36, 3 November 2020

Logo description and captures by Logoboy95 and loveslogos
Video capture courtesy of Pepsi9072

fXM: Movies from Fox

fXM: Movies From Fox (Best of)fXM: Movies From Fox (Musical)fXM: Movies From Fox (Comedy)
fXM: Movies From Fox (Romance)

(October 31, 1994-February 29, 2000)

Nickname: "FXM Structure"

Logo: We see some close-ups of a circular stage-like 3-D structure with the FX logo on one side: a giant "M" is on the other. Then we zoom out to reveal that the bottom of the structure says "MOVIES FROM FOX".

Variants: There were other variants where the structure was in a different color, depending on the genre of the following film:
  • Green: Comedy
  • Blue: Musical
  • Purple: Drama
  • Gray: Action
  • Red: Romance
  • Orange: Best of.

FX/SFX: The close-ups of the structure and the searchlights moving. This was done by Hatmaker Films in Boston, MA.

Music/Sounds: Depends on the variant. All of them were based on the Cinemascope version of the 20th Century fox theme.

Availability: Extinct.

Editor's Note: None.

Fox Movie Channel

1st Logo
(March 1, 2000-2008)

Nicknames: "3-D Searchlights", "The Fox Movie Channel Structure"

Logo: On a black background, we see the Fox Movie Channel logo (a variation of the 20th Century Fox structure set against an orange background with "FOX MOVIE CHANNEL" replacing "20th CENTURY FOX") surrounded by a box, with the News Corporation byline at the bottom.
Fox Movie Channel (2000-2007) Under it, we see the words "A Fox Movie Channel Production", and under it is a copyright notice.

FX/SFX: None

Music/Sounds: TBA

Availability: Extinct.

Editor's Note: None.

2nd Logo
(2008-March 26, 2013)

Fox Movie Channel Productions (2008)

Nickname: "The Structure Strikes Back"

Logo: We start on a side view of the 2007 Fox Movie Channel structure, apparently carved out of metal in a
blue/white color, are seen, redone again in 3-D. The "FOX" is the biggest row, while "MOVIE CHANNEL" are a bit smaller. We zoom out from the logo to make the camera panning. We also see searchlights which are seen as the camera pans around the structure. "PRODUCTIONS" reveals at the bottom of the screen.

FX/SFX: The zoom out of the camera around the 2007 Fox Movie Channel structure.

Music/Sounds: The remixed version of the final notes of the 20th Century Fox fanfare. In other cases, it usually uses the outro of the TV show.

Availability: No longer current, as Fox Movie Channel has rebranded as FX Movie Channel in 2013.

Editor's Note: None.

FX Movie Channel Productions

(March 27, 2013- )
<iframe align="right" frameborder="0" height="186" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/widget/genericvideo/4f7eb6a0ad28443c8de49828edb10054e30a3921" width="330"></iframe>

Logo: On a dark background with many strips showing the FXM logo (which is the 2013 FX logo with an M attached to it) and the text "FX MOVIE CHANNEL", we rapidly zoom out to see the FXM logo on a few of the strips, at an angle. "PRODUCTIONS" is shown underneath it.

FX/SFX: The zoom-out.

Music/Sounds: A whoosh sound.

Availability: Current.

Editor's Note: None.