Valley of the Sun Video

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Logo description and video capture courtesy of HarvestmanMan


<iframe align="right" frameborder="0" height="227" src="" width="301"></iframe>Logo: As two different synth notes rise and fall, we see an aqua outline of a mountain with a palm tree in front. As one of the notes rises in tone, an orange sun goes in a half-circle around said silhouette, and ends up at about 1:00. The logo then zooms out, and the words "VALLEY OF THE SUN VIDEO slide up and in in an aqua font. The words "Malibu, California" appear in the same font below them. The logo then fades to black.

Trivia: This hypnosis company is run by Dick and Tara Sutphen.

FX/SFX: The synthesizer notes sound extremely dated for 1989.

Music/Sounds: A rising series of synth notes.

Availability: Videos, cassettes, and DVDs under the VotS brand name were available until recently. The company appears to have changed its alias to Check eBay or your local mom-and-pop store for any video releases by this company, as they may have it.

Editor's Note: None.