Still Married Productions

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(June 29, 2011-August 21, 2013; July 12, 2017-)

Still Married Productions

Logo: On a dirt road with trees, we see a red 1940's style roadster from the back with a man and a woman in the car. On the back of the car a sign with the words, "STILL MARRIED" in an old fashioned font, and a small, capitalized word onthebumper "PRODUCTIONS". There's cans attached on the car (which is common to do after a couple gets married.). Suddenly, the left rear tire blows out causing the car to lean slightly.

FX/SFX: The cans, the car leaning out.

Music/Sounds: The sound of the cans dangling on the road, and the sound of the tire blowing out.

Availability: Seen on the 2011 series Necessary Roughness and the 2017 series Salvation.

Editor's Note: None.