Spanish Trail Productions

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Background: This was the production company of actor Gerald McRaney.

(September 17, 1989-January 9, 1995)
Spanish Trail Productions<iframe align="bottom" frameborder="0" height="207" src="" width="366"></iframe>

Logo: There is a large yellow plaque shape on a black background, on which is a picture of a white circle with a large palm tree in sky blue placed on top of it. On top of the image are the words "SPANISH TRAIL" in red-yellow gradient letters of varying size (the outer letters are the largest, the ones near the middle are smallest), and the word "PRODUCTIONS" is in a faded red rectangle below the image. The logo starts with an extreme close-up on the bottom of the blue shape, then quickly zooms out to show the full logo.

FX/SFX: The zooming out of the image.

Music/Sounds: The closing theme of the show.

Availability: Seen on episodes of Major Dad and possibly on the TV movie Jake Lassiter: Justice on the Bayou.

Editor's Note:
The ugly image (whichalmost resemblesa messy stack of cowboys) and text make this logo an eyesore to look at.