Regie Cassette Video (France)

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Logo description by mr3urious
Logo capture and video courtesy of


Nicknames: "RCV Tube", "Rainbow RCV", "Rainbow Tube"

Logo: On a gray background, some copyright warning text in French fades onto the screen. It then fades out, and the text "UNE SELECTION" fades in in the center of the screen, followed by "REGIE CASSETTE VIDEO" below. "UNE SELECTION" fades out, and a TV tube frame with "RCV" in 3D text fades in. Rainbow-colored diagonal stripes flow across the tube.

Variant: There is a Dutch variant where the text "UNE SELECTION" is replaced by "EEN SELECTIE".

FX/SFX: The rainbow colors.

Music/Sounds: A disco-like tune ("Hors Piste" by Pierre Bachelet, the album has been distributed on VHS by them) that plays throughout.

: Ultra rare; seen on some French SECAM tapes.

Editor's Note: None.