Rave Motion Pictures

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Logo descriptions by: HiddenResearcher
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Background: TBA

1st Logo

Nickname: "Film in Space"

Logo: A starfield fades into view. The camera performs a 180 and we see a countdown starting at 5, with a female voice-over counting down on-screen. After it reaches one, we enter some sort of warp tunnel and fall out into space, dodging random meteors, ending with a white flash. The camera zooms out on a planet with a film strip orbiting it, ever growing. Then it cuts to a screen saying "rave motion pictures". Underneath, the slogan enters, letter by letter, reading "THE FUTURE: NOW SHOWING".

FX/SFX: The VO from the woman, whooshing from the meteors. Impressive CGI.

Music/Sounds: A space tune that changes with each transition. It reaches a high point during the meteor sequence and then gets quieter as the logo ends.

Availability: Found in Rave theaters but probably not in use.

Editor's Note: None.

2nd Logo: