Questar Home Video

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Logo description by mr3urious

1st (known) Logo
(Late 80's?-90s?)

: Against a dark purple starry sky, a set of gray letters reading "QUESTAR" zoom out and turn upward. Then in the distance, a dark blue circle zooms in, and three lines, colored yellow, orange, and red, shoot into it from the right, piercing through the circle to create the logo. "HOME VIDEO", in gray italicized letters, slides in from both sides of the screen. "QUESTAR" shines.

FX/SFX: The stars, letters zooming out and shining, and logo being formed.

Music/Sounds: A synthesized musical "twinkling" sound throughout, followed by a five note synth theme. It's possible that this jingle is a stock piece, as KYW used the jingle at the end of the editorials during the 80s.

Availability: May be seen on some educational videos of the time. Check your local library.

Editor's Note: None.

2nd Logo
(Late 90's-2000's)

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Logo: On a blue vortex background, we see a unknown purple plant. Then, the Questar logo pops up out of nowhere, casting a shadow. The Questar logo looks a little different, with a star in the A. The logo shines and the background fades to black and the logo does, too.

FX/SFX: The logo zooming up, the shining.

Music/Sounds: A synthesized spacey tune.

Availability: Uncommon. Seen on releases at the time.

3rd Logo

Questar (2009)

: On a starry background, we see a large rounded black bar shining and panning to the screen. The word "QUESTAR" (from before) appears in the bar. The slogan "Everything in the World Worth Watching" wipes in below. The star inside the "A" shines.

FX/SFX: The bar floating in perfectly good animation, and the wiping.

Music/Sounds: A soft synth tune.

Availability: Current. The best sources are Scenic National Parks Blu-Rays and other releases of some PBS programs, among others.

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