Jugoslavija Film (Yugoslavia)

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Logo descriptions by Yukabacera
Logo captures by Yukabacera
Video captures courtesy of ArhiVid

: Jugoslavija Film was a Yugoslav film distribution enterprise from Belgrade (now Serbia), established in 1946 by the Yugoslav government to regulate the import and export of films.


<embed allowfullscreen="true" height="227" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/widget/youtubevideo/f3290b588d838f4cf82dd38baa64ea6970eecba7" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="277" wmode="transparent"/>Jugoslavija Film (Yugoslavia) - CLG Wiki

Logo: A small white star appears on the screen with a flash. A purple line emerges from its top-right point and traces a line on the screen, ending in the star's bottom-left point. As the circle is being traced, the letters "Jf" appear inside it, and the words "JUGOSLAVIJA FILM (YUGOSLAVIA FILM)" (in Cooper Black) appear below it. After a few seconds, the logo fades out.

Trivia: The first three notes of the fanfare are from the Yugoslav anthem, "<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hey,_Slavs" target="_self">Hej, Sloven</a>i".

FX/SFX: The star appearing, the circle tracing, the letters appearing.

Music/Sounds: A twinkling sound effect is heard when the star appears, followed by a synth fanfare with drums in the background.

: Rare. The logo can be found on almost all tapes released by the company's home video branch, Jugofilm Video, in the early 1990's. Since Jugoslavija Film was a distribution-only company, they produced no films during their existence and therefore haven't had any DVD releases to their name.

Editor's Note
: None.