Glassman Media

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Logo description and captures by Michael Bass

1st Logo

Glassman Media (2005)Glassman Media (2008)

Logo: On a black background, we see a white light shining. The light shines from the middle of the screen to the top of the screen as this white text zooms out:

FX/SFX: The white light shining, the text zooming out.

Music/Sounds: Unknown, as this logo was victim to being drowned out by voiceover announcements or split-screen credits.

Availability: Near extinction. Appeared on Bingo America, Three Wishes, National Bingo Night, and Momma's Boys.

Editor's Note: None.

2nd Logo

Logo: Superimposed in the credits, we see the neon-blue stacked text "GLASSMAN MEDIA" against a dark blue background, all in a Century Gothic-style font.

: None.

: The closing part of the show.

: Seen only on Match Made in Heaven.

Editor's Note: None.