Clarion/CLS Video (Japan)

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1st Logo

Clarion/CLS Video logo (High Quality)<embed allowfullscreen="true" height="230" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="276" wmode="transparent"/>

Logo: On a black background, we see a blue flash. It illuminates the entire background to a turquoise 'vortex' background. "CLS" in a silver 'Pac-Man' font zooms in. It flashes, and "clarion" fades on the top left corner of the screen and "VIDEO" below "CLS".

FX/SFX: The background, flashes and fading. It is very 1980s.

Music/Sounds: A ding, followed by weird music sounding like it's produced on an NES.

Availability: Extremely Rare. Seen on Japanese releases of video nasties (Japanese Dubbed Horror Movies) from the company, and some Japanese-subtitled tapes such as Outcast (1990).

Editor's Note: None.