Cinematek Productions

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Logo descriptions by: 1sam234
Video captures courtesy of: 1sam234

Background:Cinematek Productions
began operations in Dallas, Texas in 1994. The company produces a variety of network television specials, nationally syndicated television programs, and television commercials.


Cinematek Productions<iframe align="bottom" frameborder="0" height="222" src="" width="393"></iframe>

Logo: The logo starts with an iris-in to television static. The words


appear in the center on the static and seems to meld with it. Once the static clears, a copy of the "CINEMATEK" word lands on top of the previous, and a pink laser goes through the "CINEMATEK" with a thicker blue line behind the word only, with a man saying something accompanying the end music note.

FX/SFX: The TV static, laser and text.

Music/Sounds: The static noises and a man saying "3. 2. 1." as the static gets louder.

Availability: Extremely rare, currently only seen on Night of the Headless Horseman.

Editor's Note: It may be possible that it was made to be intentionally scary due to the movie it was a part of making.