Champion Video, Ltd.

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Logo description by: MariluHennerArtist45
Video courtesy of: czar7474

1st (known) Logo
(July 1982-December 1982)

Logo: On a dark blue background, we see the words "Champion Video, Ltd." in a weird-looking scriptive font and colored school bus yellow in front of a rough-edge drawing of two pennants, one red and the other turquoise. Below the whole thing in large letters is the word "PRESENTS" in a red Eurostile font with white trimming.

FX/SFX: None.

Music/Sounds: None.

Availability: Seen on many of their UK pre-cert VHS tapes distributed by the company such as public domain cartoons, sports, and some obscene pornographic and horror films (or to be as "Video Nasties") A few examples are Cartoon Time, Once Upon a Fable, The Demon Lover, Road to Bail, and many others.

Editor's Note: None.