Bujotoon Magic Video (Argentina)

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Logo description by SnowflakesOmega
Video capture by RaroVHS


<iframe align="right" frameborder="0" height="207" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/widget/unknown/de7c619dccd226ae04b101db274f8609898c8e74" width="366"></iframe>
Nicknames: "Not A Good Optical Illusion", "Argentine Cinehollywood Ripoff", "The Other Son of Enterprise Producciones", "Did A 10-Year Old Make This?!", "Hey! I Think I've Seen This Logo Before!"

Logo: We see the intro of the Cinehollywood logo, with the flashing background and exploding star, but then there's a freeze-frame and the blue text "BUJOTOON MAGIC VIDEO" appears. Then we cut to the spiral optical illusion of the same logo, then another freeze-frame happens and the word "PRESENTA", in the same style as the company text, appears.

FX/SFX: The animation of the Cinehollywood logo and the words appearing.

Music/Sounds: Same as the Cinehollywood logo, but shortened.

Availability: Unknown.

Editor's Note: None.