Blaine & Blake Ltd. (Taiwan)

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Logo descriptions by SnowflakesOmega and MegaAveron25


Logo: On a black background, a golden B with filmstrip holes on the left zooms in. Before it stops, trails of it come from both horizontal sides and go to the center, or, where the B is, and then others from the vertical sides come and do the same. This happens again with all sides and trails. The B crossfades into the logo, which is the same B from before, with another B behind it. The logo shines as the background turns black/blue gradient, and the red Chinese text fades in while the English name "BLAINE AND BLAKE LTD." zooms out after a few seconds.

FX/SFX: The animation screams more 80's than a logo from the time, but these were the standards from a Chinese logo at the time.

Music/Sounds: Dramatic synth chords fanfare with whooshes play, a descending synth crackle, then more synth chords with an ascending/descending synth dings, which are taken from "Star Flight" by Paddy Kingsland.

Availability: Appeared on two Taiwanese movies: Island of Fire and Qian ren zhan.

Editor's Note: None.