Art Sea Films Company (Hong Kong)

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Logo description by Wellmart3

Art Sea Films Company (Hong Kong) - CLG Wiki

Logo: On a blue/black gradient background, a bright light shines in the middle of the screen, getting bigger and brighter by the second until it engulfs the entire screen. It then dies down until an metallic silver "A" appears and zooms in. An metallic pink "S" then draws itself in behind the "A", flashing when it finishes drawing. It shines as Chinese characters zoom out with an trail effect and the text "ART SEA FILMS COMPANY" is wiped in with an light.

FX/SFX: The light effects, the logo forming, and the shining.

Music/Sounds: An ominous synth effect score with the ending of a cheerful fanfare. This was later used for the Winfair Productions Ltd. logo.

Availability: Extremely rare. Was only seen on 2 movies, one of them being Heroes Among Heroes.

Editor's Note: None.