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Revision as of 23:24, 5 November 2020

Background: Pearson New Entertainment (or PNE Video) was a British video company from High Wycombe.


<embed allowfullscreen="true" height="227" src="http://wikifoundrytools.com/wiki/closinglogos/widget/youtubevideo/12bfe0fe02002adc6e5141668db05254915420ea" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="276" wmode="transparent"/><img align="bottom" alt="Pearson New Entertainment Video (UK) - CLG Wiki" height="230" src="http://image.wikifoundry.com/image/3/oJ7d1URDzu6aGzSc4aYtsQ107058/GW312H230" title="Pearson New Entertainment Video (UK) - CLG Wiki" width="312"/>

Logo: On a black background, a spinning green ball in a red and black hoop appears. Around it is a white ring with a smaller green ball "orbiting" the larger one. The ball moves away from the camera and towards a lit point on the screen. The word "video" in white is written next to the point. When the ball completely covers the light, the letters "PNe" in a metallic color scheme appear above the word "video". The part of the screen representing the logo then turns green, the ball stops spinning, and the scene fades out.

FX/SFX: The ball spinning and moving around, the letters appearing.

Music/Sounds: Silent.

Availability: Rare. Seen on comedy videos released by the company in the second part of the 1990's.

Editor's Note: None.