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Latest revision as of 22:42, 4 November 2020

Edited by Michael Bass
Video capture courtesy of JohnnyL80

Background: Launched in 1995, Highschool Sweethearts was a production company owned by Fran Drescher and her husband Peter Marc Jacobson. The company's main purpose was to produce The Nanny, of course; they also co-produced (albeit being uncredited) the 1997 Paramount film The Beautician and the Beast. When the show ended in 1999, Drescher and Jacobson closed the production company.

(September 11, 1995-June 23, 1999)

Nicknames: "The Nanny Having a Tender Moment", "The Lovers", "The Nanny's First Date"

Logo: In a dark bedroom, we see a man (who is holding a remote, possibly Peter Marc Jacobson) and a woman (presumably Fran Drescher) in bed, illuminated by a large spotlight. The man and the woman lean in and kiss, and the logo zooms out slightly to reveal the text:


in a scraggly, Addams Family-type font in a picture frame above them. The woman puts her hand on the man's cheek. The man looks at the camera slyly, and then "turns off" the logo, with the spotlight shrinking into the bottom-right corner of the screen.

Variant: There is a version that features no zooming out of the logo.

FX/SFX: Cartoon animation.

Music/Sounds: A three-note Kenny G-esque sax tune, original CBS airings used it's generic music.

Availability: Seen on 1995-1999 episodes of The Nanny on Antenna TV, syndication and TV Land.